Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

I walk into the empty house and sigh. I knew tonight I was going to be alone... again. My parent's are never home. They work for a large company and make a lot of money doing it. I sigh and walk up to my room. I set my bag on my bed and look around.

I literally have nothing to do. I take my phone out and go through Twitter. Lately I've been getting messages from people telling me I should stop looking fake, that I look like a slut, and that I shouldn't go after every guy. First of all, I'm not a slut, I like wearing clothes I'm comfortable in, I don't go after every guy, and I'm not fake. But the messages don't stop. The worst ones are when people tell you you should kill yourself.

All I can do is ignore them. I put away my phone and look at myself in my body length mirror. I wore a shirt that showed cleavage, but not to much, booty shorts, cowboy boots, and my black hair was curled. My eyes were a beautiful blue and my teeth were pearly white.

'Ring, ring, ring'

I jump a little as my phone rang through my bedroom. I sigh and walk over to my bed to retrieve it, but the ringing stopped and I look at it with confusion. It ran 3 times and stopped. Instead I got a text message. I open it up and this is what it read,

Unknown: Be careful on what you wear. It may attract someone to you.

Confusion yet again filled my mind. I go over to my bedroom window and looked out, but I saw no one, so I locked the window and shut the curtains. I felt my phone vibrate.

Unknown: Closing the curtains won't help. Try locking the door.

My heart started racing fast and run to my bedroom door and lock it. I look at the door and scoff. This person is probably playing with me. It's probably someone I know. I take my phone and type the person.

Me: I know it's you Maria.

Maria is my best friend. She's probably pulling a prank on me. She does it all the time, so I shouldn't worry.

Unkown: This isn't Maria. Who is she?

I smirk and shake my head.

Me: Don't play. Call then. Or should I?

Unknown: I'll call. You'll regret everything, but it's okay. Soon you'll feel pleasure.

Incoming call: Restricted

"Hello Maria." I heard breathing on the end and smile. She's gonna totally be upset I found out it was her.

"This isn't Maria, Harmony. My name is Carl, and I've been watching you for a while." It was a man's voice. It was deep. I felt fear rise inside me.

"How did you get my number?" I ask him.

"Well, when one of your friends is a vampire, it helps with a lot of things." Did he say vampire? This isn't real. I scoff.

"I bet your her boyfriend." I walk over to my computer and logged into Facebook. I message Maria.

Me: So your boyfriend is talking to me.

Maria: Is he now?

Me: I didn't know his name was Carl.

Maria: Harmony, he's sleeping right next to me, and his name is Bryan.

I didn't message back. I stand up and look at my phone. I decide to hang up instead of talking to the man on the other line. My phone vibrated.

Unkown: Bad idea to hang up on me.

Me: What do to want. You can't hear me. You don't know where I live.

Unknown: Are you sure about that?

I heard a knock on the door downstairs and fear rised inside me. I didn't go down. I decide to call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My name is Harmony. There is this guy who is threatening me. He sent me messages and he's at my door right now."

"What's your address?" The operator asked.

"(Insert Adress)"

"Okay. A police car is on its way."

I hang up and sit on my bed. The knocking got louder and I heard a loud crash. I curl into a ball and started to cry. Footsteps made its way up the stairs and stopped at my door. I look up.

"Hello Harmony," a voice said.

"GO AWAY!" I scream. My door came flying off the hinges and I saw a man in his 20's. He walked over to me. "Please don't hurt me," I beg.

"Oh. I guess I'll have to take you now," he said. I felt myself being picked up and carried. I started screaming.

"Someone! Please help!"

"Better be quite or I'll kill you," the man said.

"No. I just want my mom. Please let me go." I started to squirm and he stopped walking and set me down. He held me with his legs and took out duck tape from his coat pocket. He took off a piece and placed it over my mouth. I glare at him. He picked me back up and started running fast. Faster then I've seen someone run. We passed trees in a blur.

A cloth came over my mouth and I could feel everything getting blurry. Tears still streamed down my cheeks and all I could think of was my parent's and how they'll find me missing.

~Yeah. So this happened. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment, Vote, or Share. Stay Beautiful!!!!

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