Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6. Harmony's P.O.V

My body was sore. I could barely move. Last night was awful. How could he just do this to us? How can he hurt someone and leave them? I thought I was his pet, but he just wanted his fun and let me go to other vampire's. I sigh. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said. The door opens, revealing a girl, about a couple years older then me.

"I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Anna. I'm just like you," she said.

"You're a slave?" I ask her.

"Yes, but I'm a vampire's sex slave. My vampire and I love each other," she said.

"How can you love someone who has hurt you?" I ask her.

"He never hurt me. He saved me from this place, but soon I'll become a vampire so I can live eternally with my love."

"So is there a reason for you to be here?"

"Just needed to know how you were. You look worse than the other's. Who was your slave?" She asked.

"His name was Carl," I told her. She looked at me with a shocked face.

"Surprised he chose you. Is he leaving you for others to take?" I look at her.

"He wanted his fun, that's all he said. I think he is leaving me for others. I don't want this. I never wanted this." She looked at me with sad eyes.

"At least your parents don't have to worry," she told me. I look up at her in confusion.

"What do you mean 'don't have to worry?'" I ask. She opened her mouth and closed it. She swallowed.

"Well they usually erase the minds of the parents to think you died. Since you won't be going home they don't want families to come looking for you. You died in a fire, they used some DNA, and they covered three bones in it, so there wasn't a whole body."

I look at her, shock filled me, thinking how they could do this.

"I wanna go home. NOW!" I screamed. She flinched and took a step back. She glared.

"You're lucky to be here. Just, because you're being beaten and raped. You should want this. I heard you were a slut back in your own school. I bet you liked it," she sneered.

"I was a virgin, until I was raped, why does everything think I asked for this. I want my mommy. I just want to go home," I sob. I could see guilt in Anna's eyes.

"Sleep now child. You'll be prepped for auction tomorrow." She walked out and I wipe away the tears that streamed down my cheeks. I can't be auctioned, I'm not ready to be hurt again, why can't I go back to the way things were?

~So I updated guys!! Lol be appreciated lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment, Vote, or Share. Stay Beautiful!!!!

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