Decision Time

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"Well, we kinda got you new stuff to soften the blow of what is happening tonight." Marisa said in a tone that showed she was scared for my reaction. "What is happening tonight?" I said now very mad.

"Well there are two things. You only have to do one. The first is going on a date with your chemistry teachers son. The second thing is clean Mr. Savage's classroom." I then said madly, "Why would I have to clean his classroom?"

"We kinda where playing in his classroom after school was let out. We knocked over some chemicals and set off a small explosion. It wrecked all of his ceiling and his floor got dirty." Kate said.

"And how do I play into this?" I said very mad now. Mr. Savage was a nice teacher as long as you were nice side. Other wise he was the meanest, most strict teacher you will ever meet.

Marisa then said, "We kinda said you gave us the idea of mixing the the chemicals together. So he said that one of the three of us had to go on a date with his son and the other two had to clean his classroom."

"Well how about one of you cleans and the other goes on the date," I said in a snarky tone. Katelyn said, "Well he is making one of us go on the date while the other two clean his room." "How long is the date?" I asked. "It's just dinner. Appetizer, entree, and dessert. Also Mr. Savage is paying for it." Marisa answered. "I'll go on the date and leave you two to clean. Now show me the clothing you got me." They had gotten me the floral crop top with the black skater skirt. They also got me a pair of new heels and a pair of teal converse. "Thank you. What time do I have to be ready by and where will I be going?" I asked. Marisa answered, "7:00 and he will pick you up and take you to some restaurant with a name no one can pronounce."

"What do I wear?" I asked. Katelyn answered, "That is the other thing we got you. We knew you were going to pick the date. We got you a dress." She then held up a black and red dress that looked just like the dress Jesse wore in Episode 06 of Season 2. "That's is the dress Jesse wore in The Flash!" I said with a smile on my face. They didn't even know what I was saying.

I took the dress and heels and went to my bathroom. It was 4:30. I had 2 and a half hours to get ready. I put a sweater on and took of the S.T.A.R Labs shirt and tried to get the stain out.

I did my make up. I but a nice and almost perfect wing on with some red lipstick. I did blush and all that stuff. By the time I was done with my make you had 1 hour left. I spent that time on my hair. I just curled it with Kate's wand. My hair was done and I had 15 minutes left.

I went down stairs and all three of them were on the couch playing cards. I tried not to make any noise. But I kicked the door frame of the kitchen and they made me come out and show of the dress. They all clapped and gave me complements. Grace said something about how my brown hair looked better when it was curled. I didn't know how to take that. Marisa asked where my heels were. I said on the table. She made me put them on. She loved them. I felt really tall in them too. I think they were 5 inch heals. I could hardly walk. Kate then complemented my dress.

I got my purse and put my lipstick, wallet, keys, and a couple of other things in it. I made sure I had my ID. I just turned 21 in February, so I'm able to drink. (I started college when I was 19 and I had my first drink on my third night here.)

The door bell rang. I put my heels on and went to open the door. Mr. savage was there and he said, "Thank you for doing this." He then stepped aside. I looked at his son and I was shocked.

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