The Time(s) Of My Life

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We walked out of his house. I had my phone, my wallet, and my makeup in hand. I was just crying you think I'm going to go out with out fixing the mascara that was pouring down my face? I hopped in the back of Grant's car and Tyler was in the passenger seat.

I was putting on my make up and I think I did pretty good for being in the back of a car. We got to the bowling alley and got out. We walked up to the doors. Grant took the door on the right and Tyler took the door in the left. I felt like a Queen! It made me feel joy, well i think that's what joy feels like, I've had depression way to long.

Grant went up and payed while me and Tyler went and grabbed shoes. We went over to our lane, lane 9, my favorite number and Grant's lucky number.

I was up first. I got a strike. Tyler was next. Then Grant. They both got strikes. We ordered some beers and some pizza and fries. Let me say best dinner ever! And those boys are funny!

I don't remember much of the night except that I won and Tyler and Grant tied. Half way through the game we made a type of bet; the losers had to buy the winner a round of shots. I shouldn't have won. Why did I have to be so good?! I had a round of shots! So in me I had like 5 beers and a round of shots. Wow! What had I gotten myself into! The doctors also told me not to drink for a while. Well that failed. Haha! Oh well.

Well after the shots we left. The boys walked me out. I had an arm around each one. They helped me into the back of the car and that's when I blacked out. Good Job Ivy! Not listening to the doctors, typical, but also drink after what happened, good job.


I wake up with a throbbing pain in my head. It's not as bad as the last time I woke up with a "hangover" but still bad. I walk down to the kitchen. Tyler's on the couch. I totally forgot he was here. I should have gotten ready but it's to late because he says, "Good morning, Ivy! Last night was fun!"

"Shhhhhh," I say rolling my eyes, "Where's Grant?" As I said that Grant popped his head out of the kitchen and around the corner. He says,"Good Morning Ivy! How was your night! If you don't remember anything we can brush you up on the details."

"Be quite! You two made me get drunk! You to are cruel! Your evil little butts! You know I wasn't supposed to drink for like a month or so." I thought I was screaming but I don't think I was.

"Chill out Sunshine." Grant says as Tyler laughs. I'm guessing he is laughing at me.

"Ugh. Well I'm going to use your kitchen to make breakfast."

"I made you some breakfast if you want it," Grant says.

"I'll take some water and some aspirin, too," I say liking back and forth from the boys.

"Sir! Yes! Sir!" Both boys scream jumping up. Tyler ran into Grant as was heading to the kitchen. They did a little dance and finally Grant was able to go to the bathroom and Tyler went to the kitchen. I let a little chuckle out. There two funny boys.

I walk over to the couch and sit down. I grab the blanket off the edge and rap my self up in it. I love blankets. Mainly because I'm always cold and there soft. They also make me feel protected, if you get what I mean.

Grant walks in and throws the aspirin bottle at me. It hit me right in the chest. It kinda hurt. He smiled and headed to the kitchen. He comes back with a glass of water. He hands it to me. I open the aspirin bottle and take a couple out. I then swallow them with the water just like any other normal person would.

Tyler walks in with what I'm assuming is my breakfast. He lays it down on my lap. It was a egg omelet with everything you could think of in it. It had a side of fruit. The fruit had whip cream on it. Just the way I like it.

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