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"I'm being let out TODAY!"

I ran up to her and hugged her as hard as I could. I was so happy. Today was the best day of my life! "Why didn't you tell me sooner!" I had tears of joy coming out of my eyes.

"I wanted to surprise you!"

"Well you did!"

"Well I'm going to leave you guys to pack and hug and do whatever." Doctor Bob said as he walked out of the room.


We walked out of the big, glass, front doors of the hospital. Jessica had the biggest smile on her face. She was happy to be checked out. She was holding her big box of party games with her two duffle bags on her shoulders. I had my duffle bag on my shoulder and Grant was holding my hand. Marisa, Grace, and Kate were holding hands. We were in a big line, Marisa, Kate, Grace, Jessica, me, and Grant. My friends were happy I didn't have to stay. I was happy Jessica was out. If I had to I would have stayed just as long as Jessica got out. And Grant was happy that I was happy.

We walked over to Grants car. It wasn't going to fit all of us but we made it work. Grant was in the drivers seat. I was in the passenger seat. Kate, Marisa, Grace were in the back seat. Jessica was in between me and Grant. It was really weird. But I was happy to be out of that hell hole.

She had her hands in the air and was screaming at the top of her lungs. Every one was laughing. We told her to stop but that made her scream louder. We all joined in for the 10 minute ride to my house.

Grant pulled up into the driveway of house number 139. He turned off the car and got out. Jessica jumped out of the car. Grace jumped over the door and so did Kate. Marisa got out of the car the proper way by opening the door. I opened the door to get out of the car and was about to stand up when I heard Grant say, "Hey! Wait don't get up. I don't want you to fait."

"I won't faint. They said I was clear." With that I stood up and walked up to the house with all my stuff. Jessica was getting her stuff out of the trunk. I walked up to the front door and walked in. I don't know why they left the door unlocked. I walked up the stairs and put my duffle bag on my bed. I walked back down the stairs and saw Grant on the couch.

"Go ahead make yourself at home." I said to him with a smile on my face. I walked to the kitchen with a smile on my face. My friends where at the table talking about where Jessica was going to sleep.

"Jessica can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch."

"I can't let you do that remember last time you slept on the couch?" Jessica said back.

"Yeah. Then I'll find another place to sleep."

"Ivy you can sleep at my house." Grant said. I didn't even know he walked in. It scared me.

"No. I can't do that."

"Your sleeping at my house end of story. Now go get packed. I'll take you to my house when you ready."

"Can I grab something to eat?"

"Yes." Grant smiled. I walked over to him a kissed him on the cheek. And whispered, "I'll be stealing Jett and Nora."  Grant smiled. I went to the fridge and to my surprise there was a box of pizza. I grabbed the box out of the fridge and put it on the table. I took 2 slices of the pepperoni pizza and left the box on the table. I went back into the fridge and grabbed out Orange Juice. I grabbed a glass and poured the OJ into it. I turned around to see everyone staring at me. "What you don't like OJ with your pizza?" They shook there head and I said "Suit yourself!" And walked out and up to my room with the pizza in one hand and my glass of OJ in my other.

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