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"MATTHEW! ARIANA IS HERE TO SEE YOU!" Harris yelled really loud and woke me up. 'Whose Ariana?' I thought to myself. Probably just a friend. I thought as I got up out of bed. I got dressed did my hair and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Matthew snogging some girl. I gasped and felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I ran back into my room but on the way running into Harris. I looked up at him since he was about and inch taller than me. "Aubrey. What's wrong." He said worriedly. I just ignored him and ran into my room. I fell into my bed and burst into tears. I don't know why I'm crying, we're not even a couple. "Aubrey. It's Harris. Can I come in?" He asked and he knocked softly on the door. I didn't answer and kept silently crying. Trying to stop. Harris walked into the room and shut the door behind him. He came and sat down next to me. "What's wrong. Tell me." He said as he rubbed my back with his hand. I put my head on his shoulder and tried to calm down. "It's alright. Stop crying." He said as he pulled me into a hug. I warped my arms around him and cried into his chest. "Matthew..... Is he dating that girl?" I managed to get out. "No. That's his ex girlfriend. I don't know why they were kissing though." I said as he pulled away from the hug. "Okay." I said as I laid down on the bed. Harris laid down next to me and laid face to face. He started making funny faces making me laugh. "Thanks Harris. Your the best brother anyone could have." I said as I leaned over and hugged him. "It's alright, that what brother are for. Also kicking boys butts that break your heart, if you want I can beat up Matthew. Did he break your heart?" He asked. "Haha, no that's alright don't beat Matthew up." I said. We talked for another half hour and watched and episode of a Teen Wolf. Halfway through the show Matthew walked in. "Uhh, could I please talk to Aubrey for a second?" He asked. Harris looked at me as in a way of asking if I wanted to. I nodded so he left the room. Once he left Matthew came and sat next to me. "I'm really sorry Aubrey." He said as he looked at me. "Why were you kissing her?" I asked, my voice cracking a bit. I was trying not to cry. "I don't know, she came and started kissing me. I didn't know what to do so I kissed back." He said. I started to cry. "But why? I thought you liked me. You called me beautiful and tried to kiss me at the beach." I said in tears. He pulled me into a tight hug. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen Aubrey! And I tried to kiss you at the beach because the kiss we shared during Truth or Dare was amazing. I love you Aubrey." He said quietly as he put his forehead on mine. "I love you two." I said back. "I'm sorry Aubrey." He said. We were so close I could fell his breath on my lips. "It's fine." I said. After a few minutes of looking into each other's eyes he leaned in and kissed me. It was just a quick peck on the lips. When he pulled away I was quite sad. He stood up and started to walk out of the room. I laid down on the bed disappointed because the kiss didn't last longer. I felt an arm go around my waist. I turned around to see Matthew. "I thought you went out." I said. "I'd rather lie here with you. He said. So we just lay there. His arms around my waist but one of his hands held mine. He started to draw circles on my stomache. After an hour of laying in bed like that we decided today would be a good day to go the water park. When we went downstairs everyone was awake. "Who wants to go to the water park today?" Matthew said. "Me!!!!" Everyone yelled as they jumped up. We all started laughing and got ready to go. It took 20 minutes for everyone to get ready. Mrs. Sherrill dropped us off and said she'd pick us up at 5:00. We had 6 hours. We went on every water slide there was. Once we went on the last one we went in the pool and played marko polo. "Marko!" Jorden yelled. "Polo!" Everyone yelled back together Jorden swan and ran into some random girl who we didn't know. "I got you!" He screamed as he hugged her. The girl screamed and slapped him across the face. He opened his eyes to see the girl swimming away. We all burst into laughter. I nearly drowned since the water was really deep. But luckily I was near the edge. We continued the playing after we had calmed down.

*at home*

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Jake yelled. We all agreed but since there was only two girls and four boys, Matthew invited two of his friends over to play. Once they arrived he introduced them to everyone. Their names were Mary and Savannah. "Okay, who first?" I asked. "Let's start on Jake." Jorden suggested. "Okay." I answered. The order in which we sat was Jake, Savannah, Jorden, Me, Harris, Mary then Matthew. Jake spun the bottle and it landed on Harris. "Do we have to kiss on the lips? Let's make it if it's a boy we kiss their cheek?" Jake said. "Fine." Jorden answered. So Jake kissed Harris' cheek. Harris spun the bottle and luckily it landed on Candi. They leaned in and kissed for about 2 minutes then pulled away. Candi spun the bottle and it landed on Matthew. She looked at me to see if it was alright. I nodded I mean, it's just a game. So she gave Matthew a quick peck on the lips. Matthew spun the bottle and it landed on Mary. He looked at her to be suddenly kissed. She was full on snogging him, I could see Matthew didn't want to kiss so I coughed pretending to have a crouching attack. When they pulled away I coughed one last time than stopped. "You okay ?" Harris asked. "Yeah." I answered. 'Thanks' Matthew mouthed, obviously noticing why I faked cough. I just smiled and we continued with the game. Mary spun the bottle and it landed on me. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I pun the bottle and it landed on Jake. I looked over at Harris for help, but there was nothing I could do. I leaned over and kissed him for 2 seconds, I didn't want to make him feel bad. Once we finished kissing I looked over and Matthew and he looked pretty sad. Oh well, it's just a game. Jake spun the bottle and it landed on Savannah. He leaned over and they were kissing for 2 minutes. Once they pulled apart Jake started blushing. We continued playing until 8:30pm during that time I had to kiss Matthew twice, Jorden three times, Jake once, and Harris 5 times (on the cheek). Once we finished everyone went to bed. I couldn't get to sleep so I went into the kitchen to get a drink. I walked into the kitchen to see Matthew sitting on the counter with his hands in his head. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked as I went and sat next to him. "I just can't sleep." He said. "Oh, me two. Why can't you sleep?" I said as I jumped up on the counter so I was sitting next to him. "Uhhhh, I'm just thinking." He said as he looked away from me. "Bout what?" I asked. "Umm, don't worry." He said as he jumped off the counter. "umm, ok." I said as I jumped off the counter, walking back into my room. "Aubrey...." Matthew said. "Yeah?" I said as I turned back around. "Ummm, I can't sleep, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah sure." I said as I walked over to him. We decided on a movie to watch then got comfortable on the couch. I snuggled up to Matthew and he put his arm around me. Not even halfway through the movie I started to fall asleep. "Goodnight Matthew." I said as I cuddled closer to him. "Night beautiful." He answered as he tightened his grip around me and out his head on too of mine. Not too long after i fell asleep.

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