The kiss

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The next morning I woke up to Harris screaming something about unicorns. I grabbed my phone off the charge to check the time. 8:37. Once I had woken up properly I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. I picket out my outfit and went into the bathroom to take my shower. I hopped in and shivers went all through my body from the touch of the warm water. After it had been about 20 minutes I got out and got changed into my clothes and brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs to the welcoming smell of pancakes. "Morning Aubrey!" Mrs Sherrill said to me. "Would you like any pancakes?" She said finishing off her sentence. "Good morning Mrs Sherrill, and yes please. That would be lovely." I said as I sat down at the table. After she had finished making the pancakes she placed them on the table with all the toppings and spread. "MATTHEW, HARRIS! BREAKFAST IS READY!" She creamed to the boys who were in Matthews room talking about unicorns. Within seconds of Mrs Sherrill saying it they were downstairs seated at the table. Matthew sat next to me and Harris was across from him. I grabbed two pancakes and placed them on my plate. I went to grab the Nutella but so did Matthew and our hands touched. I quickly pulled away and blushed. "Sorry, here you can use it first." Matthew said handing over the Nutella. "Thanks." I said smiling as I took it from his hands.

*After Breakfast*
"Hey Aubrey, Matthew and I was wondering if you wanted to invite Candi over and we could go to the beach." Harris said as he walked into the roo I was staying in. "Yeah sure! I'll text her now and ask." I smiled as I messaged Candi.
Aubrey: Hey Candi :D I was wondering if you wanted to come over and go down to the beach with Matthew, Harris and I? :P
Candi: Yeah, that would be great :D what time do you want me to come?
Aubrey: If you can you could come over now and get ready here?
Candi: Yeah that's fine, cya when I get there. Bye! xoxo
It had been 10 minutes until Candi arrived. We were all sitting on the couch watching tv. "ILL GET IT!" Harris screamed before getting up to answer the door. Before he opened it her fixed his hair and clothes. "Hey Candi!" He said as he gave her a hug. "Hey Harris! Hey Matthew and Aubrey!" She said as she walked through the door once they had broken the hug. "Hey!" I yelled as I got up and hugged her. "Hey Candi." Matthew said, keeping his eyes glued on the tv. "So guys, what time are we leaving for the beach?" I asked. "Ummm about half an hour." Harris answered. "Okay, well Candi and I will be upstairs getting ready if you need anything." I said as I took Candi's hand and dragged her upstairs. We started getting ready but once we were all dressed and walked downstairs we found Matthew and Harris staring outside. "What you looking at?" I asked. They both spun around quickly. "Well it starting to rain and the clouds are getting grey, I don't think we can go to the beach!" Matthew whined. "Oh. I really wanted to go! I haven't been in ages!" I said as I plopped down onto the couch. "It's okay we can stay home and build forts and stuff." Matthew said plopping down on the spot next to me. "Yeah, but where are we meant to build a fort?" Candi asked plopping down on the other side of me. "How about Matthew room, it really big and I'm sure there will be enough space to build one." Harris said as he came over and sat next to Candi. "Yeah! Let's start building!" Matthew yelled as he ran upstairs into his room. We all started laughing and followed him upstairs.

After about and hour of building it was finally finished. It was big enough for all of us to lay down and sit up. "So what now?" I asked. "HOW ABOUT WE PLAY NEVER HAVE I EVER?!" Harris suggested. "Okay. ILL GO GET THE LEMONS!" Matthew shouted back. Once he returned we stated. Candi was first. "Hmmmmmm, never have I ever had my first kiss." Candi said. Everyone but me sucked on their lemons. They looked at me in shock. "WHAT?! So beat I haven't had my first kiss." I said. "Yeah but, I just expected that you would've. I mean your probably the most beautiful girl over ever seen." Matthew said. I blushed and looked down at the floor. "Thanks." I said quietly. "AWWWWW! My sweet little sister has a crush!" Harris yelled. "SHUT UP! I do not! And your only older by 4 minutes!" I said throwing a pillow at him. After about playing for an hour we decided to play truth or dare because we were starting to run out of questions. "Truth or dare, Candi?" I said with an evil smirk. "Truth." She answered. "Is it true you think Harris is fit?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "What does fit mean?" She asked really confused. "It means do you think Harris is attractive." Matthew said. "Oh..... Ummmm well his definitely not ugly." Candi said quietly. I looked over at Harris and he was blushing. Payback time. "AWWWWWWW! Harris has a crush. Isn't that cute?!" I screamed. "Shut up Aubrey!" Harris yelled. We all just started to laugh except Harris. "Anyways, Truth or Dare Matthew." Candi asked him. "Dare!" Matthew yelled. "Oh I've got a good one. I dare you to go inside your closet and play seven minutes in heaven with Aubrey!" She dared him. I felt myself go red and I started to play with my fingers. "Do I have to?" Matthew said. I looked up at him to see he was also blushing. I've never told anyone but I really like Matthew. I always get lost in his eyes and his always so nice and kind to me. "Yeah! It's a dare!" Harris said. "Fine!" Matthew said standing up, taking my hand and walking into the closet. "So.........." I said once we were in the closet. "Ummmmmm, we don't have to kiss you know. We can just say we did it if you want to. But I don't mind if we do kiss." He whispered as he ran his hands through his hair. "Uhh, I don't really care if....." But I couldn't finish my sentence because Matthew had cut me off with his lips on mine. It took me a while to realise what was happening but when I figured out I starting to kiss. Our lips moved in sync. I warped my arms around his neck while he held my waist. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, and of course I obeyed and let him. His tongue slipped into mine and started to explore my mouth. "Guys! You can come out now! It's been seven minutes!" Candi yelled as she banged on the door. We kissed for a few more seconds than I broke the kiss. I opened the door and walked back into the fort, Matthew following closely behind. "Guys! Your meant to kiss not have sex! Look at Matthews hair!" Harris said. I looked over to Matthew to see his hair was everywhere. I blushed and so did Matthew. "Shut up Harris!" Matthew yelled as he threw the lemon we were using before and him. "Fine! Fine!" Harris said. "Ok, Truth or Dare Harris?" Matthew asked. "Uhh Dare." He answered. "I dare you to make out with Candi." Matthew said. Harris didn't complain but Candi was blushing looking at the floor. Harris looked at me asking for help. "Just kiss her" I mouthed to him. He nodded his head and moved closer to Candi and started to lean in. They were kissing but not normal kissing. They were having a full on make out session on the floor! I looked over at Matthew and he had a surprised look on his face. "Let's get out of here" he mouthed. We crawled out of the tent. I checked the time and I was 9:47. "Okay, well it's getting pretty late. I think I'm gonna go to bed, night." I said walking into my room. "Night Aubrey." He said walking into the launge.i laid in bed thinking about the kiss Matthew and I shared before. My first kiss. It was amazing! I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

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