Meeting Matthew

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My twin brother, Harris, was making me go on a 5 hour car ride just so he could meet up with his friend Matthew. We were going to be staying at his friends house for a month I think. "Why'd you have to bring me along Harris. I'll probably won't even get along with your stupid friend!" I said as we sat in the back of the car. There was still 4 hours left until we reached Matthews house. "Because mum said you've got to make more friends and get out. You can't just sit in your bedroom all summer you know. And you'll have fun, I promise." He said sticking out his pinky finger. I linked our fingers and said "You promise." He answered with a simple "Yes." I unlinked out pinkies and turned to look out my window. I slowly started to drift off to sleep halfway through the trip. "Aubrey, Aubrey! We're here, wake up!" Harris screamed as he shook me. "Yeah, yeah I'm up." I said opening my eyes and yawning. "Dads leaving in like 2 minutes so hurry up and get your stuff out the car." He said walking into the house. I got my stuff and walked inside. Harris and I think was Matthew were sitting on the couch watching Ben 10. "Seriously guys? Ben 10. Isn't that for little kids?" I asked as I looked at them both. They both turned around. Wow, Matthew was pretty good looking. I was staring into his eyes and got lost. "AUBREY!" Harris yelled. "What, huh?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts. "Do you know where your room is or do you need Matthew and I to show you?" He asked me. "We'll since I've never been here before and I don't know the house. Could one of you please show me." I said matter of factly. "I will!" They both yelled and shot up. We just started laughing. "We'll how bout both of you show me." I suggested. "Great idea. Anyways my names Matthew." He said sticking out my hand for me to shake. "And I'm Aubrey as you've probably already heard." I said shacking his hand while smiling. Matthew and Harris showed me to the guest room. "Okay we'll let you unpack and when you're ready just come downstairs, dinner will probably be ready soon." Matthew said smiling as he walked out Harris following behind. I started unpacking my stuff, it took me about and hour. Just as I finished Matthew and Harris ran into my room telling me dinner was ready. "Last one downstairs is a rotten egg!" Harris screamed sprinting out of my room with Matthew following not far behind. Seriously these guys are like 5 year olds when their together. I quickly ran after them. When I walked in the kitchen they were no where in sight. "BOOOOOOOOOO!" They both yelled as they jumped out on me. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. They just burst into laughter. "That was NOT funny guys!" I said as I hit them and walked over to the table. "Hello, you must be Aubrey." Matthews mum said as she walked over and handed me my plate of dinner. "Hi Mrs. Sherrill, thank you for letting me stay here for the summer." I said as i started to eat. Once Matthew and Harris had calmed down they came over and joined us for dinner. Once we had finished eating dinner the three of us (Matthew, Harris and I) decided we would have a movie night. We went into Matthews room and went through the movies. I sat on a beanbag on the floor while Matthew and Harris shared his bed. "How bout Paranormal Activity 2?" Matthew asked. "NO!" I yelled. I hate scary movies. "Why not?" Matthew asked. "She hates scary movies." Harris answered for me. "Okay." Matthew said. "LETS WATCH PETER PAN!" I yelled. "Ok, Peter Pan it is I guess." Matthew said. Once we put the movie in we settled down got comfortable and watched it. Halfway through the movie I started to drift off to sleep. The next morning I woke up in the beanbag. I looked up to see that Matthew was awake on his phone but Harris was still asleep. I yawned and Matthew looked over to me. "Morning Aubrey." He said. "Morning." I answered. I looked over to Harris and an idea popped into my head. "Hey Matthew, do you have a permanent marker?" I asked with an evil smirk on my face. "Yeah why?" He said looking up. "Ohhhhhh, I know now. I think so I'll go get a few." He said laughing noticing what I was going to do. When he returned he had 2 in his hand. He passed me one and kept one for himself. We started drawing all over his face. We drew a mustache, a mono brow, a beard and wrote "LOSER" on his forehead. Once we had finished Matthew pulled out his phone and took a photo of us with Harris in the background. "Hey Aubrey, do you have an Instagram?" He asked me. "Yeah my user names TheNamesAubreyJane13." I told him. I quickly ran into my room and grabbed my phone. I went onto Instagram and noticed Matthew had followed me and mentioned me in a photo.

"@Mathew: haha, fun times. Harris is gonna wake up to a surprise! @TheNamesAubreyJane13"

I took a photo with Matthew and I, we had evil faces. I posted it on Instagram and wrote:

"@TheNamesAubreyJane13: hahahaha! Can't wait until I see his reaction to what we did! We did a good job didn't we? @Mathew :)"

Witching minutes of Matthew posting the picture of us I got about 1,000 new followers. "Wow! I never knew how many followers you have." I said surprised to Matthew. "Yeah, I'm kinda Instagram famous." He answered back. About 10 minutes later Harris got up. Matthew and I looked at each other and started to smile holding in out laughter. "What's so funny?" Harris asked. "Oh nothing." We said walking out of the room to get some breakfast. We all made a bowl of cereal each when Mrs. Sherrill walked in. "Morning everyone. Oh Harris it looks like you've got a bit of something on your face. You might want to go look in the mirror. I tried to hold in my laughter as he walked up to look in the mirror. "AUBREY! MATTHEW! IM GONNA KILL YOU GUYS!" He said running into the kitchen chasing us. "AHHHH!" I screamed running into their launge. "IM SORRY HARRIS! IT WAS ONLY A JOKE! PLEASE DONT KILL ME!" I said as he lied on top of me and pinned me to the ground. "I'll let you go only if you say 'Harris is the best and sexiest twin brother in the world and he is a lot sexier than me. I love him to the moon and back'" he said evilly. "Okay okay! Harris is the best and sexiest twin in the world and he is a lot sexier than me. I love him to the moon and back!" I yelled wanting Harris to get off me. Once he got off me Matthew walked in and asked if we wanted to do down to the fair. "YESSSSS!" Harris and I yelled at the same time. We burst into laughter and I high fives Harris. Once we were all ready we left for the fair.

Life with Matthew SherrillWhere stories live. Discover now