The Movies

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"Awwwwww! Look at them! They are adorable!" I heard Candi yell out to someone. I slowly opened my eyes to see Candi standing in front of us with her phone pointed at us. "CANDI!" I screamed as I jumped out of Matthews grip. Matthew wakes up and noticed what is happening and he quickly sits up as well. A few minutes later Harris burst into the room. "WHAT? WHATS HAPPENING?" He asks? "Oh you know. Matthew just slept in here last night. But he was on the floor." I lied. "NO! They were being all snugly!" Candi screamed as she clapped her hands together. "No we weren't!" Matthew said as he scratched the back of his neck. "I've got prof so there's no point denying it!" Candi said as she walked out of the room holding her phone up to signal she's got a photo. Harris followed her out asking her to show her the photos. "Well we better get changed. We probably will be going out today." Matthew said as he stood up. "Yeah." I agreed as I got up and changed. Once I was changed and did my hair I walked downstairs and got myself breakfast. "So. I was thinking we could go to the movies today and watch something?" Harris suggested to me. "Yeah! That'd be great." I said as I finished off my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink. Harris went to tell everyone else while I went down sat on the couch and watched tv until everyone was ready.


We were finally at the movies deciding on what we were going to watch. Candi and I said the one direction movie, but Matthew and Harris said they wanted to see Rush. But we ended up seeing Warm Bodies. We sat at our seats with our popcorn and drinks. The order was Me, Matthew, Harris, Candi. During the movie I caught Matthew looking at me. Luckily it was dark so he couldn't see my red cheeks. Half way through Matthew reached over and grabbed my hand, locking our finger together. I looked over at him and smiled. Than looked back at the screen to watch the movie.


Once the movie finished we all walked out and Matthew and I still were holding hands. Matthew texted his mum saying the movie had finished so we all just sat outside waiting. "So.... Are you guys like a thing or something?" Candi asked. I looked over at Matthew. "Uhh, no." I answered. "You sure cause you slept together last night and today you were golfing hands." Harris stated. "Well best friends can sleep together and hold hands can't they?" I asked. Luckily Matthews mum pulled us saving mine and Matthews butts. We climbed into the car and stayed silent the whole ride home. Once we got to Matthews house Candi and I went into my room. "Do you like Matthew?" She asked out of the blue. "Yeah, of course. But idk if he likes me, like we kissed but-"

"WHAT? YOU KISSED?" She asked cutting me off. "Yes, but shut up! Let me finish. We kissed but he hasn't confessed his feelings or asked me on a date." I said as I laid down on my bed. "Well, I'm sure he likes you but he probably is too scared." Candi said. For the rest of the day we just talked and watched movies and eventually fell asleep on my bed.

____________________________________________________________________________________________Hey guys :D sorry I haven't updated in a while I haven't had the time. And sorry it's short it like 12:00pm where I live and I'm really tired. Well I hope you like this short chapter, and I promise there will be more chapter soon. Bye :D xx

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