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Day Seventeen

"Let me see your arms."


"Let me see your arms," Michael demanded.

"Wh-Why?" Micky blushed and self-consciously tugged at the sleeves of his shirt. Michael grew impatient and grabbed one of Micky's arms.

"H-Hey!" Micky cried. Michael rolled down Micky's sleeve, revealing his cuts. Micky fidgeted underneath Michael's touch.

"Who makes you do this?" Michael asked, looking Micky in the eye.

Micky looked down. "N-Nobody."

"Don't fucking lie to me. Who makes you do this?" Michael asked again.

"E-Everyone, I guess...no one likes me. But...But especially my parents."

Michael let out an angry cry and finally released Micky's arm. Micky scooted away from Michael, afraid.

"I'll make them pay for what they're done to you."

Demise (Dolenzmith) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now