Chapter 4: Twins Play a Game; Welcome to the Host Club!

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A/N: Hello Wattpad! I would like to start by deeply apologizing to the few readers who were patiently waiting for this chapter for two months! I published this on Fanfiction last month and I totally forgot to put it here! Sorry! It's just that I haven't been on Wattpad in such a long time because of school! 

Also, I apologize if you think I'm not giving enough roles to certain characters. I'm trying my absolute best to give everyone the same amount of roles and stuff like that.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this earlier or if you guys figured this out by now, but Ricardo and I definitely know that Haruhi is a girl (in the story), the Hosts just don't know that we know yet. Also, this story takes place a year after the anime took place; so Haruhi and the twins are in their 2nd year, Tamaki and Kyoya are in their 3rd year, and Honey and Mori are in their 4th year (last year with the Host Club T_T). Sorry for giving you this information now, it just hit me now that I haven't mentioned it at all!

So without further ado, I give you the fourth chapter of "A Time to Host for American Commoners"! Enjoy!~

Disclaimer: Y'all already know I don't own Host Club (I wish I did).

We are back in Music Room #3. I am currently sitting on the floor, even though there were countless chairs where I could've sat down. Ricardo was sitting next to me, with a towel draped on his shoulders.

The other Hosts were staring at us with expressions that I couldn't read and the atmosphere felt strange. I felt a little uneasy, but I stared right back at them and secretly admired their beauty. Ricardo, on the other hand, found the floor much more attractive and stared at that instead. Naturally, I would do that too, but for some reason I feel very comfortable around the Hosts.

The silence got more and more awkward by the minute. Heck, maybe seconds!

I was thinking of what I should say to break this silence. I naturally suck at starting conversations, so nothing genius came to my head.

Right when I was about to give up on this mini-mission, the multi-million dollar question comes and smacks my brain around. Why didn't I think of this before?

I cleared my throat before I spoke. "So, when do we start and what is our debt?"

That got them all interested. Even Ricardo looked up! Ha! Nailed it!

All the Hosts looked at Tamaki, awaiting the final verdict of the fates of Ricardo and myself. Tamaki looked deep in thought, as if this was the most important decision of his life. Either that, or he was just doing math. Yeah, I think it's math.

"Well," he finally said, "you shall start tomorrow, on the first day of school!"

Ricardo's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed.

Tamaki continued speaking as if someone hit a pause button and then play. "And your debts are 500 requests…EACH!"

"WHAAAAAT?! THAT'S LIKE 1,000 IN TOTAL! WHY SO MUCH?!" Ricardo yelled.

Tamaki explained, "Both of your debts were originally going to be 200 requests each. But thanks to that stunt you pulled off with the window, I raised it to 500."

Ricardo was dumbstruck. He couldn't speak and his jaw was wide open.

I laughed. "Gee! Way to go, Ricardo! Thank you for giving me more time with the Hosts, though!" I winked at him jokingly.

"Aw man! I don't want to do this!" Ricardo complained.

"Well that's too bad, isn't it?" remarked Kyoya as he adjusted his glasses.

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