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"I don't want these lines on my thighs" I said. I looked at the stretch marks on my legs in the mirror. I was only wearing white panties with red hearts on it, and a shirt. 

"It's just the exotic zebra in you, trying to break out darling" Princess said (yes her name is literally Princess. She thinks her parents are ridiculously lame for naming her Princess, but I think it's cool. I wished my parents had the same fantasy. Instead they named me Maria. Like seriously)

"But I'm going to a party, not a zoo."

"We can pretend it's a zoo. I can be a flamingo."

With that said, she picked the pink skirt (instead of the green one) and put it in over pink tights. 

"How does flamingo sounds?" I wondered. 

"Like rainbows on a cloudy day" she replied. 

"Oh I love that sound." I waked up to her, picked a pair of leggings with zebra pattern out of her open closet "can I borrow these? They're perfect." 

"Indeed my friend, they are perfect". I tried them on. She put her hands on the sides of her face, like the "OMG" emoji on iPhones "this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship"

"Indeed my friend, we'll make beautiful babies." I turned around so I could watch my butt in the mirror "does he make my ass look big?"

"Yes. He does. But my dear Maria, I have never met someone who doesn't like big butts."

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