Chapter 4

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Hopes p.o.v

I was still sleeping until i heard a loud Bang.

I popped my head up to see the teacher standing their with her hand on my desk.

"No sleeping in detention" She said harshly.

"Okay" I said sleepily.

I looked over at Hayes to see him smirking.

"Stop laughing" i wined.

"If you kiss me" he smirked again.

God whats with him and smirking.

"Okay" i smiled.

I seen his eyes brighten up.

He started to lean in and i kissed my hand and I slapped him.

He pulled back and gave me a glare.

"You will regret that princess" he whispered in my ear.

"Like i'm scared" I laughed quietly.

About 30 minutes later the detention teacher let us go, Hayes grabbed on my arm tightly and pulled me in a closet.

He backed me up against a wall and started kissing me.

I didn't know what to do so i started kissing back.

His lips traveled to my neck and he started biting gently on it probably leaving a mark.

He stopped and looked at me.

I went to kiss him back because i felt a tingle in my stomach when i kissed him.

"Nope" He said putting his hand up so i couldn't kiss him.

"Please" I begged, I don't usually beg for a boy, but Hayes was hot.

"As long as you do something for me".

"What" i asked.

"Go to the mall with me to buy you new clothes" He started playing with my hair.

"You want me to change for you" i asked confused.

"Well duh" he stated.

"No, I don't change for anyone sorry".

"Not even for me" He got closer to me.

"Nope sorry" I smiled

He huffed and walked out the door.


Hope you liked this chapter :)


Bad Boy; Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now