chapter one and two

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Okay guys I'm kinda new to the whole writing stories thing so if you don't like it, don't read it. well here is the story. -Jay

Hello my name is Alexandra Ann Parker, I have a little sister named Cameron Lynn Parker and this is the story of how our lives were flipped upside down.

Chapter One

Hello my name is Alexandra but people call me Alex or Lex. I have light brown-blondish hair with brown eyes, i'm around 5ft and 6in (shortest one in the fam.). My sister,Cameron (Cam), has long auburn hair with brown eyes and is 5ft and 11in. So that describes my sis and i. So if i had anything to edit my pass i dont know what i would do because my life is pretty much messed up. It all happened when my parents got in a real horrible accident where nobody could help them, which led to them to pass away. After that horrible incident my sister and i ended up getting adopted by my loving, wonderful aunt and uncle. One thing i didnt tell you is that my family and i are you know.... Werewolves. Haha, i know right? You are probably thinking that i'm crazy because werewolves don't existed. Well you are extremely wrong! So maybe i should start from the beginning shouldn't I?

When i was a little girl

my mother and father were the Alpha and the Luna of Midnight Light Pack. We were and still are the biggest and meanest Pack around. But what other weres didn’t know is that we are only mean to them is because we don’t know them or they are intruding on our land. In the end my pack and I are the sweetest people you could get to know as long as you are on our good side. When my parents were running the pack they made sure that every one of us got training except the women and small children that couldn’t train just yet. When my sister and I got old enough to train, my sister and I train and we kick the strongest trainers butt. (Yes I may sound like a bad butt but I don’t cuss it is silly, but my sis Cameron doesn’t think so!) Any ways after my dad saw that he made Cameron and me warriors for the pack. My wolf is the only white wolf with pure violet eyes, my sister is an auburn wolf

with piercing blue eyes. My dad on the other hand was a pure black wolf with dark brown eyes, my mother was a reddish wolf with greenish-blue eyes. When my dad was in human form he would be standing 6 and 5 inches with black hair, brown eyes, and extremely fit. My mom in human form is 5 and 11 inches with red hair and blue eyes. They were an amazingly deeply in-love. Just like any werewolf would with their mates. “Mates” is short for “soul-mates” it’s a another person that is like your other half, the person that makes you feel whole, and you know all that lovey crap(crap isn’t a cuss word by the way). One day when I was around 17 maybe, I was training with my dad when rouges attack the pack house. My father and I were extremely frustrated when they attack and my father’s instinct was to protect his pack and his family. We both howled (because we both were training in wolf form) and informed the others. When I was fighting I was mad at the rouges and killed many on sight and they all got scared of me and my father. But that didn’t stop them from trying to fight us. When I was pinned by five or six rouges the rouges leader attack my father I used all my will to try and stop what was about to happened but couldn’t get out of their grips. The leader of the rouges than slowly taunted my father’s large wolf, then the next part was the most painful thing to see… he attack. My father couldn’t defend himself because he was pinned by two large rouges. After the leader attack my father, alpha Johnson, was stabbed in the heart so that he would slowly die. After that my wolf, Sparrow, took control and went wild at the sight of losing my father. Sparrow and I, other wolfs of the pack ended up killing the rest of the rouges off. Including the man/wolf that killed my father. When I looked around I found my mother leaning over my father sobbing until her heart contended at the sight of losing her mate. I turned back into human and ran straight to my dad. “D-daddy please, please don’t leave us!” I sobbed as I reached his side. “I, Johnson Allen Parker, make you, Alexandra Ann Parker, alpha of Midnight Light… Pack.” Said my father on his last dying breathe. Then I felt an amazing amount of power fall on me. My question was…. Why me?

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