Chapter twenty

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Hey my lovelies! Who is happy to be back in school? Psh I'm not. Any who I thought it would be nice to update so here is chapter twenty :) -Jay


Chapter twenty

Cam p.o.v.

Ever since the fire at the old house, Lex didn't take any chances of danger. Especially by fires, whenever we had a fire she would stand clear. She said she wasn't afraid of the fires, it's just she was caution around them.

It was winter time now and close to Christmas. Mothers and fathers were stressed with their kids, while the warriors, betas, second command, and the alphas were worrying about defense strategies if there was going to be another rouge attack. There hasn't been any recent attacks, be we can always be prepared right? Other than a lot of people stressing people still went out shopping for their families and their mates. At the moment I was sitting in my room, watching t.v. when Kris and Mabel walked in. "May I help you?" I asked slowly, wondering why they were in my room. "Yes you can actually. We are going out shopping for presents, alpha said that we have to take by the way." said Mabel with a evilly smirk. "Damn. should I be scared?" I asked while looking back and forth between the two. "Yes. Now get ready, we leave in twenty." said Kris with a straight face. After getting clothed and washing up, Kris, Mabel, and I left for our shopping adventure.

*At the mall.*

"So what are we here for?" I asked the two carefully. "Well it's pretty obvious, we came here to get the alpha, and our mates presents." answered the two with a duh tone. My mouth formed an 'o' forming, totally forgetting that Christmas was getting so close. We were at the mall for hours looking around shops and getting stuff that we thought Lex or our mates would like. "If I shop anymore I will die." Kris mumbled. "I agree, hey one question: does the alpha even know that we are here?" I asked the girls sitting next to me with their bags at their feet. Just then Kris's phone went off and when she looked at the caller I.d. It looked like she could shit bricks. "It's Lex, isn't?" I asked looking at the phone. she slowly nodded her head. "And let me guess, you didn't tell her that we were leaving?" I asked again, which she nodded to again. "Well answer it, stupid." Mabel told her sister. "How about you answer then if you are so brave." Kris told Mabel with a growl. "Fine." and with that Mabel answer the phone. "Hello?" *pause* "Yes." *another pause* "Sure thing." *murmurs on the other end* "Yeah see you soon." Mabel said to Lex then hung up. "See if you weren't being a scaredy cat and answered she was going to tell you that we had to be home before 5:30. To help with dinner you know?" Mabel said while looking at the shocked faces she was receiving from Kris and I. "W-well I guess we should get going then." stammered Kris. After our adventurous time at the mall, we finally left. Once back at the pack house we saw many people running up and down the stairs, going back and forth talking to people. Well looks like people are really getting into the Christmas sprit. "mhm, where have you been?" I looked up to see Ashton standing in front of me with his arms crossed and a serious look. 'Shit, shit, think.' I thought to myself for a moment. "Well if I told you then you would know where I bought your present from, and I don't want that so I will just say I went shopping." I said with a smirk. "You know that you are the perfect Christmas present to me, right?" he asked me while bringing me into his chest for a hug. "Awe!" said Kris and Mabel at the same time. "How come you aren't that romantic?" Mabel asked while patting Emmett on the chest. "Why would I need to be romantic, and all lovely, when all I have to do is look at you. I look at you with love and adoration in my eyes, you really are beautiful." Emmett said with a smirk knowing that she would melt at his words. Which she did, she gave him a bear-hug before giving him a peck on the lips. "Where is Aden at? He needs to meet you guys so he can be talking to me like that." Kris said while looking around jokingly. After putting and hiding the presents, we ended up outside just messing around.

Mabel p.o.v.

After joking around and playing in the snow, Jamie started to come outside with Lissa and Mark. "Is this your first white Christmas?" Jamie asked Lissa. "I think so." she said while putting a finger on her chin, trying to think. We laughed at her silliness which she ended up laughing too. While we were playing in the snow, Lex came out and gave us a funny look. "Well aren't you guys mature." Lex said sarcastically. After she walked in the snow for a few moments, she decided to shift. If you asked me to find Lex, I don't think I would be able to. It was like she hiding in the snow, but then you would see her purple eyes and know she was there. "Man Lex, it's like you are part of the snow." said Ashton smiling like a lunatic. When she shifted back she had a smirk on. "This is why winter is my favorite season, my wolf can use the snow to hide. Hide so we can do sneak attacks but also hide whenever playing an intense hide and seek." she said with a chuckle while looking at Lissa. "If it weren't for your eyes, it would be like you weren't even there." I said, still in awe. "Yup, so I have some more paper work to do. I will see you later." Lex said before walking inside.

Jamie p.o.v.

Lex has been worry about rouge attacks just like Jered, while other people were worried about gifts for their friends and families. I keep thinking about what to get Lex for Christmas, I couldn't decided on what to get here. After finding out we were mates and I marked her, it is like we can't be separated. Since Lex adopted Lissa and Mark, they are now my adopted children as well. Whenever Lex see's me playing with Lissa, she always gets this big smile. Today when I went outside with Lissa so she could play in the snow, Lex got real happy.

At the moment I was in Lex office, staring at her work. "Won't you like to help me, instead of staring?" Lex said while giggling. "I don't know. I think staring at your beauty is enough." I said while shrugging, smirking knowing she was now staring at me. "Really? I don't melt that easily. Stop your flirting mr." she said while fake glaring at me. "Okay I guess I can help you then." I said with a smile. After writing and tearing paper we finally finished her paper work for the day. "I want to take a patrol and make sure nothing is wrong." Lex said before walking outside. Some warriors, Mabel and her mate, Kris and her mate, Cam and Ashton, and with Lex and I in tow, we started to patrol. If I knew something bad would happen I wouldn't have let Lex come. If only I knew.

Lex p.o.v.

We started to go on patrol, when a scent caught our attention. When we got to the source of the scent I thought I was going to blow. I thought I killed that douche, I thought he died in front of my eyes. The rouge who killed my father was standing right in front of our patrol group. "I thought I killed you!" I screamed when I was in human form. "Oh trust me honey, I am fully alive." he said with a smirk. "Damn you to hell." murmured Cam from behind me. "No need for bad language." he said with a smirk, knowing he was pissing me off. "I didn't come to start a fight. I came here to warn you." He started. He got many growls from my friends behind me. "May I continue? Geez. I came here to warn you that my group and I are getting stronger, we will end both of your packs." he said with a evil grin. "How the hell is that a warning?! I take it more as a threat!" shouted my sister, who was shaking with anger. "I just wanted to warn you, watch your backs. We are always watching." he said, after he said that he vanished. After the shocked people behind me, I heard someone say "what now?" "Well we finish the patrol. Then once we get to the pack house make sure everyone is inside. I will talk to Jered about our in counter with the rouge." I said after a moment. After we finished the patrol the warriors did as told, and made sure everyone was inside. "JERED!" I screamed up the stair case knowing he was upstairs. "WHAT?!" he screamed back down. "COME HERE! I NEED TO TALK TO ABOUT SOMETHING!" I screamed. A few moments later, Jered was standing in front of me. "Yes?" He asked while looking down at me. "We had an encounter with something today." I whispered trying to make she nobody else heard. That's when his face got serious. "Come to my office." I said, and with that I had an emergency meeting with only Jered, Tanner, Cam, Adam, and John.


Hey my lovelies I hope you like the chapter! :) tell me what you thought of the chapter by...




Sorry if it isn't long but I will update again soon... hopefully.. Lol well I will talk to you later! Bye my lovelies! -Jay

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