Chapter Ten!! :)

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Hey guys I felt bad for not updating so here is chapter ten a day early! So here you go hope you like it! -Jay

Chapter 10

Lex p.o.v.

When I was talking I notice there was a new scent in the house but I couldn’t figure out what It was until I heard a screech. “What the hell, is that my Lex?” said an unfamiliar, high pitch voice. I turned to see my best friend from birth, Kerstin or Kris. “What the heck? Kris what are you doing here?” “I came to join your pack, my old pack got killed out by rouges only a few 20 survived and we all spilt up. I decided, damn maybe I should join my best friend’s dad’s pack. I was trying to find you dad to ask if I can join, where is he?” she said clueless of my scent. “Kris, take a sniff of me.” I said letting the power flow off of me. She did what she was told to and her eyes widen in shock. “What the hell? How did you become Alpha?” she said still shock. “Now is that a way to speak to your new alpha?” I said with a smirk. I then shock my best friend once again. “I, Alpha Lex, accept you in my pack, Midnight Light Pack.” I said with a boom in my voice so that the rest can hear. “Hello Kris. Lovely you to have you in my pack. I will tell you how I became alpha after the meeting after dinner. I will also tell you how I am already a mother after the meeting. So meet me in my room after the meeting got it?” I said to Kris through mindlink. “Yes Alpha. You got a lot of explaining to do I can tell by your voice. Man this is going to be something to get used to.” Said Kris in reply. I saw her smirk out of the corner of my eyes, when Lissa came running up pulling on the end of my shirt asking if we could eat. “Let’s eat shall we?” I say booming my voice so the others are able to hear. I got ‘hell yeahs’ then I got the slapping noise from love-ones slapping the others that said ‘hell yeah’ and a lot of laughing. We all were sitting and talking, when Tanner came in with Kia. Everyone got quiet wanting an explanation on why there was a rouge in the house. A lot were talking to me through pack link saying stuff like, “what the heck what is a rouge doing here?” “Can we trust her?” “Who is she? Should we be worried?” I got frustrated with many voices in my head so I said “Calm yourselves, love-ones. This is Kia, Tanner’s mate. We are going to discuss her arrival later in our meeting after dinner.” To everyone in pack link. Tanner let a growl lose when nobody started talking. “So everyone I would like you guys to meet an old friend of mine who just joined the pack, Kris.” I said so that everyone would start talking soon again. I heard a lot of woops and hello to Kris. When everyone went back to talking and eating, I went and talk to the men warriors in my office about battle strategies if the rouges plan to attack again. I am also going to plan with Alpha Jered, just in case we would have to combine our packs to make us bigger and stronger against the rouges. After dinner everyone went to the meeting room and waited for my arrival. I walked in and sat in my chair. I lifted my hand and instantly everyone became silent, anxious for what was going to be said. “Hello I wanted to start off with the rouges, then maybe combining forces, and then what to do with the beta’s mate. After it will be dismissed understood?” I asked my family and friends. I heard many yes and agreements. “Okay for starters I spook with the pack warriors, second command, and Tanner about the recent rouge attacks and we are planning to kick the training up just a little more so we are able to block bullets and jumps from the rouges’ attacks. Second off, if the rouges are combining forces with hunters we might want to consider combining forces with another pack. Lastly Tanner’s mate. Who all thinks she should join?” I asked the crowd I heard many yeses but I also heard worried comments through the pack link. “Kia will we be able to trust you?” I asked her in front of the crowd. Kia stood I can sense her nerviness increase with all the eyes on her. “You can trust me a hundred percent. I would never hurt my mate’s pack. You guys are consider my family to me even though you might not feel the same. I will open up and answer truthfully to you if you have any questions. Anything for you guys to see that I mean no harm.” She said confidently. People than started to ask her numerous questions like where she is from, why did she decide to all of the sudden move away from where she was located, and others. “SILENCE.” I boomed. The room instantly became quiet. “What is the most important question asked?” I asked the crowd once again. “Will you betray or hurt the pack.” Sparrow said with a growl. As people replied to my question Sparrow’s answer stuck out the most. I thought to me and her, I love and will protect my pack even if that is to interrogate a rouge that is mated to my beta. I raised my hand to silent the room, I repeated Sparrow’s question. “Will you betray or hurt the pack?” I asked straight to her. “I would NEVER, ever hurt my mates loved ones. Matter of fact I would never hurt anyone that didn’t do wrong.” She said confidently. I sniffed the air around her and can tell that she was a little nervous of the reply, but she was also confident and held her ground. “Well what do you guys think should she join the pack?” I asked everyone through the pack link. I heard many yes and I guesses. “Well I, Alpha Lex, want you, Kia, to join my pack, Midnight Light Pack.” I said. I heard many woops and cheers from the crowd of another new member. “Okay guys remember training early in the morning and also I am meeting with Alpha Jered in a couple of days. Dismissed.” I reminded the others. “Um, haha, you know how you said to meet you in your room? Well where is it at?” said Kris through mind link. “Oh my word, Kris use your nose and follow my scent up the stairs.” I said back to her while shaking my head back and forth. “Oh I knew that. See you soon.” Said Kris with a chuckle. When everyone was out of the room, I went back to my office just to do a little work before going to bed. Around 20 minutes later or so I heard “are you still going to meet me in your room or are you going to leave me hanging out.” Said Kris with bored in her voice. “Oops sorry I got caught up in paper work. I will be up in a minute.” I said back while laughing. I used my werewolf speed and ran upstairs and was in my room with in seconds. At the moment Kris was looking out my window so I decided to spook her. “Boo.” I said to her back. I swear that girl can jump real high when she gets spooked. “What the hell?! Why?!” she said while I was laughing on the floor. “I-I sorry I still need to have fun though.” I said in between laughs. “Whatever so are you going to tell me?” “Yeah hold on.” I said and got off the floor and walked to the door. “Ashton, Jamie what the heck are you still doing with my kids?!” I screamed out of my doorway. “Ahh!” I heard them both scream before running up the stairs carefully with Mark and Lissa. “Sorry Alpha we lost track of time here you go.” They said while handing them over to me. “Thank you patrol the area one more time will ya?” I asked them with a smile. “Of course anything for you Alpha.” said Jamie with a smirk. “Okay then get going.” I said with a straight face but ended up failing. When they left I shut the door and told Kris EVERY thing about what happen within the past month or two.

Kia p.o.v.

When I said everything at the meeting it was the truth. I would never hurt a fly unless it did something bad then it would die. I wanted to prove that I meant the truth. That will start at the training tomorrow, then the rest I guess I will wing it. I was really happy when I found out that Tanner was my mate. He is funny, smart, good-looking, protective, sweet and caring. I really love him, it’s like I have known him for years. I can talk to him so easily without fearing of being judged. I am just afraid if he asks about my past, I don’t think I can handle if he saw or heard my past…

Kris p.o.v.

Man when Lex told me about what happen first with her dad, then with the kids, and now with all the rouge drama I am surprised she hasn’t pulled her hair out. She has so much responsibility and protecting to do its scary. How her wolf and her are calm through this is amazing. I guess you can say that she has matured since the last time I saw her. What I wanted to tell her was how my family died so slowly and painfully, but I don’t think I can handle it. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. It all started one sunny afternoon. My father and I were outside talking about how people mated and all that stuff, when many rouges and hunters came out and started to attack. We had most of our fighters out to protect the pack, but the rouges where too strong that they were taking out our forces. I felt a sharp, painful sting in my wolf body when I saw my sister die right in front of me. I howled and attacked the person who killed her and let him painfully die. We were all trying to fight the forces off when my father was attacked by many rouges. They slowly killed him in front of my mother. My mother went high-wire, she attacked almost every rouge that got in her way. Until one rouge was too tough for her to fight. He ended up slowly killing her like my father. I heard my father’s very faint voice say “Look for Midnight Light Pack and ask to join, Lex is there she will help you recover from this mess. I love you my daughter. Stay strong, don’t give up.” At that moment I ran. I ran away from the fight and away from my home. While I was running I was crying I just lost my family, and I had to run. I ran all the way to a motel and then I went to meet an alpha that knew where Midnight Light Pack was at. After that I was solo and didn’t arrive until two months after the attack. I was told that the Midnight Light Pack was around 4 states away so I had a lot of running to do. Lex’s father was killed the same way as my father but she still had her mother. I have always seen Lex’s mom as another mother to me, but it’s just not the same. I decided I would tell Lex tomorrow because I was pretty tired from all the running that I did. Lex showed me to my room and I went to bed, with thoughts of how I would tell Lex. I ended up slipping into a dreamless sleep.

Hope you liked it guys! Comment and Vote of what you think! and maybe in a couple of days I can update for chapter 11. I just want to ask, what do you guys think of the chapter or the book so far? Also sorry if the chapter isn't that long.

Reminder Comment & Vote please! well I got to go my lovelies! byyyeee -Jay

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