Reasons why you should date the signs

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-They don't back down from any challenge

-You can stay up all night getting into crazy shit together

-You'll be that cute couple that gets really competitive at video games together


-So chill, you can just like nap together and still have a good time

-They'll be so protective about you and it's really sweet

-You'll be the sole person in the world they'll share their food with (That's a huge privilege, you don't even know)


-They're genuinely interested in the things you say and will listen to you

-They never get boring

- You'll have a lot of hilarious inside jokes together that only the two of you will understand


-They're always ready to make out

-Lots of cuddles

-They're total cuties


-They'll spoil you like the pretty princess you are

-They'll take a lot of pictures of you and show you off

-They're a dominant top + always down for it :3


-They'll touch your butt a lot

-They send the funniest snaps

-Sarcasm à la carte


-They'll tease you, in a sexy way

-They'll watch whatever movie you want to see without arguing

-They're people pleasers; They know exactly what to do to keep you happy.


-They'll fuck up anyone who dares hurt you

-You'll talk about deep shit together

-Great sex


-You"ll go on so many adventures together

-You can talk to them about literally anything without them thinking you're weird. Talking purple beavers? Sure! Why not?

- Kinky af


-You can be really bitter about things and complain together

-Your family will love them

-You get free bragging right, cause they don't settle for just anyone. Bravo.


-They'll give you the freedom you desire

-You'll spend money on ridiculous things together

-You'll have a lot of stupid funny arguments, and they'll usually end in sexy times


-Amazing kissers

-Cute nicknames

-Will inspire you to achieve your dreams

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