Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Hi, Kate." Rick said after she sat down at the table at the coffee shop. "I got you some coffee." He said giving her the coffee cup. "Thanks." "Always, Kate." Kate just rolled her eyes. "Don't say 'always' to me. You never meant anything you ever said to me so just stop. I came here to only to talk to you because I want my stuff back. When is it a good time so I can I to your loft and get it?" "Kate, I did mean those things and anytime that's good for you." "Whatever, Rick. How about later, around 6? I have to get back to the precinct soon." "Yeah that's fine." He said. "Okay bye." She got up from the table and he stopped her by pulling her arm. "Please, just give me 5 minutes to talk and then I'll leave you alone." She pulled her arm away from. "Fine, you've got 5 minutes. That's it." She sat back down at the table, looking at her watch. "Are you even going to listen to me?" "No." She said, still staring at her watch. "Okay well I just want you to know that I am so sorry Kate. I broke things off with Gina. I love you Kate." "Don't you dare say you love me because if you did you wouldn't have done this to me." "I do though. I really do. I made a huge mistake. I miss you so much. Please give me another chance. You are the only one for me." "I'm obviously not, seeing as you cheated on me." "No Kate. You really are. I've been a mess without you. I would do anything to get you back. You have made me so happy. We have been through so much, how could you just walk away from that?" "Because none of that matters anymore. It all went out the window when you decided to cheat on me." He softly caressed her cheek. "Kate, please. I love you. Give me another chance." "No, Rick I don't want to. How am I supposed to know you'll never hurt me again?" She asked. "I promise I won't." He said as he touched her hand. "Rick I don't believe you. Good bye. I will see you later when I come to get my things."

Later that day, she went to the loft to get her things. "Hi Kate." Alexis said after she opened the door. "Hi Alexis." Kate replied. "If you're here to see my dad, he's in his office, working on his next book." "Actually I'm not. I'm just here to get my things and then I'm going to leave." She said. "Okay Kate." Alexis said and Kate started to walk toward Rick's bedroom. "Wait Kate." Alexis said and Kate turned around. "I'm really sorry about what my dad did to you." "Alexis, you don't have to apologize for your father's actions. It's not your fault." "My dad broke things off with Gina. He's been a mess without you. He keeps talking about how much he loves you and how he wants you back. He misses you so much Kate." "I can't be with him. I just can't trust him anymore." She said and walked into Rick's room. She took all of her makeup out of the bathroom. She put all of her clothes in some boxes she had brought over. Rick went in to the bedroom. "Hey Kate. Need any help?" "No it's fine. I don't need any help, especially from you." "Kate I just want you to know that I am so sorry for what has happened and I'll do anything so we can get past this." "Rick there's nothing to do. You lost my trust and there's no way for you to get it back." Kate finished up packing and once she was done she left. That was the last time they saw each other.

4 years later

Kate lived with her daughter, Alyssa. She moved to Florida right before she was born. She got a new job. She visited her father once in a while, for holidays and special occasions but other than that she didn't spend anytime in New York. Esposito and Ryan found out what Rick had done to Kate before she left the NYPD and haven't talked to him since. "Alright, sweetie. We're going to see grandpa." She little girl smiled. Kate had packed their bags the night before and their flight was soon. Once they got off the flight, Jim picked them up at the airport. Alyssa's birthday was the next day which was why they were in town. They all wanted to celebrate her 4th birthday together. Their flight got in, in the afternoon so Kate decided to bring her to Central Park because Alyssa loved it there. Kate laid out a blanket for the two of them to sit on. After they were there awhile, Alyssa fell asleep on Kate's lap. Rick decided to go there because he liked to write there, in peace, since Martha had brought her acting students to the loft to practice for the play, so it was loud and he couldn't concentrate. As he was walking to the usual spot he wrote at, he saw Kate and Alyssa. "Hey Kate." He said with a smile on his face. "It's been a long time." He continued, "how have you been?" "I've been good. I gave birth to this little one and moved away." She said looking at Alyssa who was still sleeping. Rick was happy for her even if she had moved on, or so he thought. Kate had been in a relationship but it didn't last. "She's adorable. She is beautiful just like her mother." This made Kate blush. "How have you been? How's Alexis and your mother?" She asked. "I'm good. I've written some books. My mom and Alexis are good as well. Alexis just graduated from college and my mother has been teaching acting classes." "That's good to hear. I'm glad they're doing well." Rick smiled. "Do you mind if I join you two? I've got some more writing to do." Kate nodded and Alyssa started to stir in her arms. Her eyes opened and she looked up at Kate, "mommy, I'm hungry." "Okay sweetie, we'll go get some lunch." She said to her daughter. She looked at Rick and asked, "Rick, would you like to join us?" Alyssa sat up. "Sure I'd like that." Rick still had feelings for Kate, even after all the time they were apart.

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