Chapter 13

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Hola, I'm just bored and I thought I would write something, even if it's short :)

Checkout the pictures at the side -------->

By the way do you like Sky and Jake?

''So what do you want to eat?''' Tyler asked me from the other side of the kitchen counter. It was a hour after our 'discussion' and we decided to get some breakfast. Emily was at the stove frying eggs.

''Uh ice- cream and pickles ?'' wow that sounds weird even to me but munching on a deliciously salty pickle while scaring down some equally delectable ice-cream actually sounds great right down. But looking at Tyler and Emily faces it kind of makes me feel like a new species… ''What?'' ignoring me, my lovely boyfriend turn and look at my best-friend.

''Do she always eat like this in the morning?'' he asked her.

''No…'' she looked a little weird out. ''Maybe it have to do something with her being--'' she cut her self off realizing what she was about to say.

'' Pregnant.'' Tyler finish the sentence shocking her ''Do you guys even have ice- cream and pickles?''

''Hmm I think so.'' she reply still looking shock. Feeling put off that their talking about me like I'm not in the room I speak up.

''Jeez guy I'm right here you know. And there's ice-cream in the freezer. '' I forgot to tell Emily a friend of my mom stock up the house with food when I told her I was coming. Nodding Ty moved over to the fridge, while Em took the eggs of the stove. After a lot of searching done by Tyler he found a jar pickle and placed it in front of me with a bowl of ice-cream. ''Thanks.'' I grin at him and start digging in.

''Uh your welcome.'' he reply watching me take a bite of pickle cover ice-cream. Moaning at how delectable the two things tasted when combined, I hold up a pickle to him.

''Want piece?'' I asked.

''Naw , I think I'll have some of Emily egg.''

''Alright, suit yourself.'' I snuggle my shoulder and continue eating.

''Yea…'' he replied and begin to eat his egg and toast.

''You look so weird.'' Emily commented.

''Whatever.'' I grumble feeling kind of angry , I mean can't a girl eat Ice-cream and pickles without being judge? Thinking this I start to pout looking down at my pickle.

''I think she looks cute, weird yea but cute.'' Tyler said walk over to me and kiss my forehead as he head over to the sink.

''Thank you.'' I beam at the back of his head.

''Your welcome Angel.'' he reply as I stuck my tongue at Emily, she fake gag and mumble a whatever. Giggling I got up and put my ice-cream cover bowl in the sink , Tyler was ust about to turn around and asked. ''What do you girls want to do.''

''The beach!!'' we squeal in union making him chuckle.

'''The beach it is.'' he respond just as the door bell rang. ''I'll get it.''

''Kay'' I replied as I start washing the bowl.

''So..'' Emily said as soon Tyler was out of the kitchen.

''So what?'' I asked already knowing where this conversation is heading too.

''You told him.'' she pointed out like it's the dumbest thing. ''I'm guessing he took it good since you two are acting all lovey dovey.''

''Uh yea you can say so. He was kinda angry that I didn't tell him earlier.'' I answered her while turning off the pipe, she snort.

''No shit Sherlock, I know he would have been angry. I have to admit Tyler I a nice guy and what you did, he certainly didn't deserves.'' before I could reply to her, Sky , Josh and Tyler walked in the kitchen.

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