Phan **Hogwarts AU**

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**This is based off of an extremely amazing comic I found while searching up Phan (Which I will post after the one-shot). It punched me in the feels so hard :,( I know that at least one other person has done a rendition of this comic, and there was an original AU Headcanon that was written before the comic was made about this, but I wanted to do my own, and from what I saw by reading the first few paragraphs of the one on Wattpad mine is pretty different.

I also want to dedicate this to KauiSTEGO and DeajaRoseJade. Kaui, without you, I honestly don't think I would be writing right now. And Deaja, I know you don't exactly like the kind of stuff that I write, but you still support me and all the decisions I make, even if you're against it. And without you to verbally persevere me I would not be where I am today. So thank you both truckloads :). So without further ado here it is! Enjoy~ **

"Hello everybody, and welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I hope you have your stomachs, because today, we're tackling Boggarts, a deathly creature that searches your soul and makes your deepest fears a reality." All eyes fall on Dan Howell, a Slytherin is sitting in the back corner fiddling with his pink crystal wand to prevent himself from blushing. Dan hated when people stared, but how could they not? Everyone knew since Dan was eleven and faced a dragon with the help of Phil Lester, his best friend, that he had no fear. Everyone was very intrigued as to what would pop out of that closet for Mr. Howell.

Little did they know that Dan Howell and Phil Lester had a deeper connection than just being friends. They were going steady, secretly.

Phil smirked up at Dan laughing internally at how obvious he was being. How could they not see that Dan was hiding his blushies?

"Now," Professor Markiplier states, "each of you will get a turn with the Boggart in this wardrobe. When it is your turn, open it up with your wand. All you have to do when it emerges is look it straight in the eye and confidently say 'Reddikulus.' Like so."

Markiplier waltzes up to the wardrobe and yells, "Allohamora!" The tip of his Amber wand glows a golden hue as the doors creak open. An animatronic bear stumbles out of the closet. It wears a top hat and a bow tie. Rust has formed in the creases of the body parts and blood crusted on the silver of his endoskeleton. The image is horrific, but Markiplier doesn't falter. He instead aims his wand at the bear's chest and screams, "REDDIKULUS!" The abomination retreats into the cupboard, and the doors shut automatically. The class cheers and claps for the world famous gamer as he bows dramatically.

"Okay, now it's your turn," he says. As each student easily erases their fear, the exact same feeling that the Boggarts are supposed to give seeps into Dan's soul. What the hell is going to come out of that wardrobe for him? He suspected a moth, but what would his mates think of him then? A coward, for fearing a creature that only lives for a few months?

But then again what if it wasn't a moth. What if it was something more, like a boat in the middle of the ocean? Or a spooky forest? Shivers ran down Dan's spine, but he tried not to let his fear show.

Dan was toward the end of the classmates, as they go in reverse alphabetical order by first name (Don't ask why, Headmaster Pewdiepie is very strange). Phil had already went. Although nobody was quite sure what Phil was scared of, for as soon as it took a step out of the closet he cast the spell and it dissipated into the darkness once more. But Dan could see that it really hurt Phil. As soon as Professor Markiplier called "Daniel Howell," he knew he was in deep trouble. Trying to keep a straight face but ultimately failing anyway, Dan slipped down the steps to the closet. Everyone, including Phil, leaned forward in their seats to see what would appear in front of the great Dan Howell.

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