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Lydia had convinced herself that she was indeed on drugs that night. It all added up anyways. Her head was spinning before the hallucination, no one else witnessed him, and the only sign he was there was when she felt a chill. If she saw him when she wasn't in a shady nightclub, then she would do something about it. But for now, Lydia was ignoring him. In her book, he was still dead and buried out in the desert.

She didn't see him again for another week. When school started up again, she started getting that cold feeling again, but she still didn't see him. Perfectly logical reason for her being cold: Lydia got cold easily. Simple as that. There was no Stiles, and there was no ghosts. On the second day of school starting though, she heard a small chuckle from behind her and turned around to see absolutely no one. 

Lydia sighs, shaking her head and turning back around. Its just the voices Lydia, she tells herself. Okay, so maybe she might be a little, tiny bit crazy, but that was normal for a twenty two year old banshee. The fact that she frequently had to tell herself 'oh, its just the voices' kind of scared her, but she got over it. 

Narrowing her eyes at her notes, with that signature Lydia Martin look, she was going to forget that there was such a thing as werewolves and chimeras and kanimas and werecoyotes - lets not forget her friend Kira that resembles Pikachu. Though theres another chuckle, louder and closer this time and when she snaps her head up, she sees him. 

Lydia pales immediately, her mouth going dry. There was nothing to explain this. Stiles laughs, twirling a pencil around his fingers with the widest grin ever. "Well, don't you look surprised?" He's sitting in the seat to the right of her, in the middle of her lecture and no else notices him. At least she assume no one notices, because he's laughing like a madman and no one is even glancing at him. 

"Okay.. I haven't gone crazy... Its a banshee thing." Lydia whispers to herself, staring at him with wide eyes. "Okay, okay, this is fine. So banshees see dead people, its all good. Your not mental." Stiles sighs, stretching his arms and wrapping one around Lydia. She shivers instantly, her whole body getting colder in seconds. "Well, you might be a little crazy. Its good though, its kind of hot. I don't know, what do you think? Whats going on in that head of yours?" He taps her forehead twice and she just stares at him for a good thirty seconds.

Stiles sighs again, settling in his seat. "Aww, I've made you speechless." With that comment, Lydia goes back to her old self, averting her eyes and acting like theres not a dead guy sitting in the seat next to her. "What do you want Casper?" She asks quietly, starting to take notes. "Casper? Oh thats great. Like the ghost, right? Great, great. You know what I want Lyds?" He asks her and she shrugs one shoulder. "Thats kind of why I asked you, Dumbass."

He likes the nicknames, he really does, but he isn't here to be cute with her. "I want my life back." Stiles murmurs, leaning closer to the strawberry blonde, tracing patterns on her arm with the tip of his finger. "Too bad some teenage girl took it from me." Lydia hisses in a breath at his words, glaring at him out of the corner of her eye. "Look, if theres something I can do to bring you back, I'll do it, but since there isn't, just leave me alone. I don't need to be labeled the crazy girl that talks to an invisible guy." 

Stiles laughs, getting up. Lydia's body warmth slowly comes back as he walks down the front of the class with absolutely no one looking. He stands behind the professor and Lydia watches with wide eyes. What the hell was he doing? Stiles grins, jumping up on the professors desk, starting to dance on the desk. She just stares in shock as Stiles does the worm on top of the desk, yelling random things loudly. 

"Okay class, thats it. Come in early next class." The professor says. Lydia gets up quickly, determined to get out of her as quickly as possible. Stiles seems to be having a ball, still dancing around in peoples faces. She walks past him, acting like he's not even there. Lydia hears him calling for her to wait so she picks up the pace until she feels a cold hand on her arm. "Look, Sti- oh, hi Scott."

Puppy eyes stare back at her, his eyebrows furrowed and his nose wrinkled slightly. "You okay Lydia?" Scott asks, letting her go and starting to walk with her. She nods that she's fine but Scott still looks very concerned. Lydia glances to the left of her to see Stiles walking right next to her. "Oh, so this is Scott. I know all about him." He says. 

Lydia glares at him subtly. "He's a werewolf - an alpha actually, that will do anything for his friends and has a crush on," Stiles starts to count on his fingers like theres some sort of Scott McCall wikipedia page, "Allison, Kira, you, and Isaac. Complex little boy." Stiles comments while Scott follows next to her, still sniffing the air and not breaking concentration. 

She would ask him how he knows all this, or if he can leave or what she's suppose to do, but if she starts talking to no one even Scott will think she's crazy. "You smell like fear and annoyance." Scott comments quietly, raising an eyebrow at me. Stiles raises an eyebrow too and she couldn't help but think about Stiles being alive, and being friends with him, walking down the halls of BHHS while teasing each other playfully. Instead its just cold glares from Stiles and distant judging looks from Scott. "Oh, and you smell like sexual frustration." Sure, Lydia does love Scott, since he's her alpha and all, but right now she wants to hurt him. 

Scott smiles like he hadn't just said that takes a few steps the other way. He thought that fear, annoyance and sexual frustration was a weird combo, but who was Scott to judge the female mind? "Alright, I gotta go. Call me if you find a body, the usual Little Red." He says, starting to walk in the other direction. "Its strawberry blonde!" She calls after him and he chuckles, giving her a small wave before turning around.

She almost forgets theres a sarcastic asshole of a ghost next to her, but his smirk when she turns in his direction reminds her. "Sexual frustration?" Stiles asks, eyebrows raising so high it looks like they'll get lost in his chestnut hair. Lydia keeps walking but of course he keeps the pace. "Wait, I wanna talk about this." He says, starting to jog next to her. Stiles mutters something along the lines of 'damn you walk fast in heels'. 

"Well, I don't." She replies. Stiles chuckles then. "Yeah, well, too bad you can't get rid of me so, there, ha!" He exclaims. Lydia turns right into an empty walk way where bikes are parked but no one  is walking. She grabs his arm, pulling him closer. "Listen up Casper, I already have enough voices in my head and I don't need some nineteen year old boy that I ran over haunting me. I swear to god, I will shove my foot so far up your ass you will taste my thousand dollar nail polish for months." 

Lydia walks off in the other direction and Stiles stands there, mouth slightly open and watching her leave. He wasn't afraid to admit it, he was kind of - and by kind of he meant very, very, very - turned on right now. The weird part of this, though, was that on the spot where Lydia touched his arm was warm. He hadn't been warm since she hit him with her car. 

Stiles smirks, deciding he'd deal with it all later and lets himself disappear into thin air. 


1) In the spirit of the 4th of July I decided to double-update.

2) I like this story, even though I have no plot right now. Well, I mean, I do, but not really. 

3) The story is low-key based off this song.

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