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You don't know the half of the abuse

- Heathens, Twenty One Pilots


Stiles props himself up on the hood of his jeep, looking out at the night sky. It's filled with stars and its deliciously freezing tonight. Stiles sighs loudly. He can see the city out in the distance, and he's glad no one ever comes out here but him. The world seemed to hate him. His dad was pissed at him, he has no friends, Jackson Whittemore punched him in the face and its sunk in that his crush will never like him. 

Plus, he's not getting into college. Stiles missed too much school while taking care of his father when he got drunk. He groans quietly, running his hands through his hair and wondering how his life had gone to shit. 

Still, being out here in the middle of nowhere was nice. It was nice to be alone. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Stiles just took them to keep them from his dad, but at this point he had nothing to do and had a pack of cigarettes, so it made sense to him. 

He lights it carefully and takes a long drag. Once Stiles blows out the smoke, he knows he hates it. Wait, no, thats bett- nope thats horrible. "Oh thats bad." He coughs continuously, nearing falling off his car. Still, he keeps smoking, and looking out at the sky. Stiles tells himself that things will get better. 

They didn't, of course, he died. 


"Stop it." Lydia looks up at Stiles from behind her laptop, glaring at the ghost that was staring back at her, attempting to look innocent. "I'm not doing anything." He shrugs, putting up his hands and grinning widely. She sighs, looking down at her laptop. She had been studying ghosts for the last hour and had so far found nothing but suspicious stories and ridiculous movies.

Malia and Kira had left the apartment a few minutes ago, which was good. Lydia didn't need to be hearing 'noises' while she tried to research the ghost asshole that was sitting across from her. She had only taken a break to eat some yogurt, otherwise, she was just reading and glancing at Stiles, who was always watching.

 Always watching her with dark - almost black - eyes and a controlled smirk. His gaze made her fidget and squirm, and she didn't know why it did, but she was kind of afraid to ask.

Around halfway in, Lydia started hearing little whispers. Voices, if you will. Well, not really voices - voice, actually. Stiles voice. She knew he was doing something. It was if he was right next to her, but he wasn't, he was across the room, looking innocent. "I know your doing something."

Stiles simply watched her. He wouldn't admit to using his 'ghostly powers' on her, but he was. He had a whole plan, and this was step 3. After watching people for three years, Stiles picked up on the fact that almost everyone felt guilt. And guilt ruined people. Lydia hadn't been guilty about the murder in a year, and his plan was to bring back the guilt. 

So yeah, maybe step 3 was kind of harsh. Well, she did kill him. But it was an accident... and she did apologize many times. And she took care of his dad after the death. The only thing Lydia didn't do was come clean. 

"I dont know what your talking about." Stiles replies and she sighs, shaking her head and getting up. Lydia left Stiles to his ghostly self, and walked to the kitchen quickly. He followed her of course, appeared suddenly sitting on the kitchen counter, legs hanging off. Lydia gets water and sips it quietly, staring back at the boy. 

He was wearing new clothes now - so Lydia figures the afterlife has a plan for people and clothes. Stiles had a red flannel and blue jeans on. He looks like a normal teenager, except his skin was a little bit paler. 

Stiles hated/loved how his stomach still turned when he looked at Lydia. It was a love-hate relationship for him. She killed him, but he still had a crush on her. It was confusing, horrible, and awesome at the same time. Looking at her like that kind of made him feel human again. But then he reminded himself that he was suppose to be haunting her, not staring at her all gooey eyed. 

"Did you enjoy it?" He asks after a moment of silence, eyes narrowing slightly. By this point, Lydia had finished, and put away, her water. She looked puzzled by the question. Stiles jumps down from the counter, smirking rather evilly. "Killing me, did you enjoy it?" He asks again and receives one of the coldest glares in the universe. 

She doesn't respond and he moves closer to her, repeating the question. "Did you enjoy the way my blood splattered across the window?" He seemed to be getting closer by the second, but was somehow moving in slow motion. And her vision was blurry again, everything but Stiles was blurry and it all kind of seemed fake. Like a dream. 

She definitely wished it was a dream. She wished she hadn't killed him, and she wished that he wasn't here right now. Soon Stiles was right there in front of her, his hands gripping the counter behind her, their hips pressed against each others in a way that 'Alive Stiles' could only dream of. He hovers over her, his smirk only growing. 

Lydia could feel the cold sinking into her skin. She realized that this had to be some form of Spectrophilia, and that Stiles must really be some sort of Incubus. This was also a form of cheating on Jackson, even though they hadn't done anything yet. She would figure out whatever this was. Just, maybe not now. 

"Look, Stiles I-" She cuts herself off when he somehow gets closer and his eyes get darker, if thats possible. Stiles tilts his head slightly, as if giving her the decision on what they do. 


*Throws cliffhanger at you* Ive decided to be the devil in this story and fuck up everything like Godzilla (Yes, I named myself Godzilla on my profile) 

Just for those of you who don't know or are too lazy to google it:

A Incubus is a demon that takes the form of an attractive male, to seduce women and make them pregnant. This story is not going down a pregnant road by the way, and it won't be confirmed what Stiles is and/or needs.

Spectrophilia is when your attracted to a ghost and/or have ghost 'relations'. (Sorry guys, I write smut but I still managed to make this small authors note awkward) 

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