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These days I can't seem to get along with anyone, Get by with anyone

These days I can't seem to make this right, Well, is this fine? Will it be alright?

They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange

- Strange Love, Halsey


"Do I have to? I have things going on." Lydia sighs, leaning against the wall while her mother complains to her through the phone. Though, she didn't have things going on. After Scott and Allison came back, they refused to tell her what went on in her mind. 

They told her not to worry, that everything was fine, but that was clearly a lie. And telling her not to worry just made her worry more.

She hadn't seen the pack in weeks. Even Stiles was ignoring her. "Since your here, you just have to go to the dance." Natalie says and Lydia frowns. The dance always sucks. She gets there, she dances with Jackson once, he gets drunk, she talks to her stuck up relatives, and she goes home pissed off and bored. It happens every time, and yet her mom insists on her going.

"Mom, I really don't want t-" Her mother cuts her off though, "Do you want to break your mothers heart?" She asks. Lydia presses her head against the wall, knowing she's about to get guilt tripped.

 "No, but I-" She gets cut off again, "And you don't visit me anymore. Do you not love me?" Her mom starts to fake sob into the phone. Lydia knows its fake because her mom used to do this about every other day when she was a kid. "Ok, fine."

The sobs stop quickly. "Good. Glad you came to your senses." Natalie says. "Okay, I guess. Love yo- you hung up didn't you?" Lydia sighs, realizing her mom had hung up on her. Her head hurts. Not because of the whole banshee thing, but because of her friends. She's frustrated and scared and no ones talking to her. She can't help but feel abandoned.

Lydia calls Allison. She gets her voicemail. "Hey, its Lydia. Call me back, I'm worried." She leaves the same message on Kira's voicemail. But she doesn't expect them to call back. She knows when she's being ignored. 

Lydia throws her phone on her bed, chewing on her bottom lip and running her hands through her hair.

"Stiles?" Lydia asks. No reply. "Stiles?" She tries again. It hurt without him here. She hadn't seen him in weeks and it hurt. Thinking about him hurt. Talking about him hurt. Saying his name hurt. Everything hurt. "Stiles I don't know if your there or not. But I need you. Okay? Come back. Just please come back Stiles." She murmurs. No reply.


"God, I hate this." Allison sighs, looking at her phone and listening to the message her friend had left her. She sounded broken. That word shouldn't be used on Lydia. She could tell her friend was slowly crumbling. Breaking.

Allison glances up at Stiles, who's pacing around, running his hands through his hair. "She needs me." Stiles says. Allison felt bad that they were locking Stiles up in a supernatural cage like this, but it needed to be done. They put mountain ash around the boy so he couldn't leave, and they took turns watching him. Right now it was her and Isaac. "Its best if you just stay in here Stiles. She needs to be alone for awhile."

Stiles groans loudly, punching the 'force field' around him. "No, she needs me." He sinks to the ground, rubbing his eyes furiously. "She needs me." He whispers. Isaac rolls his eyes, looking back down at his phone and playing Angry Birds. 

Allison listens to Lydia's message again. This was all Scott's idea. It wasn't like they were going to keep Stiles in there forever, its just until they can make up a plan. For now, no ones keeping contact with Lydia.

 Well, no one but Liam, but they aren't telling Liam the plan so theres no chance he can rat anyone out.

Stiles could hear Lydia calling for him and god, did it hurt him. She sounded like she'd been crying, he couldn't stand it when she cried. All he wanted to do was go to her and comfort her. He needed to tell her, he needed to tell her how much he loved her. But instead he's in a supernatural prison and is literally being forced not to see her.

Stiles tried everything. He tried disappearing into the air, it did not work. He tried making his voice travel so maybe Lydia would hear him. He tried everything, and now all that was left was begging to be let out. 

Allison glances at him every once and a while, she'll either be on her phone or reading that book that Deaton had given them. Deaton didn't know they were doing this though, they knew if he did he would be against it.

It was all so fucked up, how this whole thing had gone. Isaac gets up, putting his phone in his jean pocket. "Alright, I gotta go. Watch him, and don't let him out." Isaac says and Allison nods. He glances at Stiles once, and then at Allison, and then Isaac leaves. After a while of Stiles begging and her ignoring, Allison turned her phone off and stared at Stiles for a bit. "Why do you care?" She asks quietly.

Stiles lifts his head out of his hands. "'Cause I love her." He replies simply. It was both hard and easy to be in love with Lydia. Hard, because well, he was a ghost and she was a banshee and things could never be normal with them. He wished they could be normal, and go on a date or something, but they couldn't.

And it was easy because every time Stiles looked at her, he knew he was in love. His heart would beat faster and butterflies would be in his stomach. But he hasn't told anyone that. Except Allison. Stiles felt he could trust Allison. Lydia trusted Allison, so that was good enough for him. Plus, Allison seemed to be the only one that felt bad for locking him up like this.

Allison stares at Stiles for a moment. "Theres something more to the story isn't there? Lydia didn't tell us everything." She says and he nods slowly. And then he told her. Everything.

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