Meet the Family

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Seems like a filler chapter but it has some importance, plus you get to see how cool the family really is. Eid Mubarak loves, hope your Ramadan went great Inshallah!!


I rode back with the kids, and the parents followed behind slowly, after their never-ending goodbyes. Ayaan bhai dropped us girls home and instantly Navsheen dragged me into the living room, pushing me down onto the sofa.

"Spill!" She squealed.

Mannat, Safiyana apaa, and Inayah bhabhi walked into the room, Inayah bhabhi closing the door behind her. They all sat around me with the exception of Inayah bhabhi, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Spill what?" I asked in a small voice.

"What'd you say? Yes or no!" Navsheen shook my knee. I looked over at Inayah bhabhi but she just chuckled a bit, typing something on her phone.

"Umm... we're just going to take some time to think about it," I gave them a weak shrug.

Safiyana bhabhi groaned and leaned back on the bottom of the sofa. "Now the bloody Romeo Is going to go around moping till you say yes and guess who's going to have to hear then end of it!" she threw her hand in the air, exasperated.

"Why, did something happen?" Navsheen raised an eyebrow at me.

"No, I just want to focus on your wedding for now," I reassured her. His sister, cousin, and sister-in-laws were sitting in front of me, what was I supposed to say, that actually he's annoying as hell and I'm buying time till maybe I can get out of this mess?

"I think she just needs a little more convincing," Navsheen nudged Safiyana apaa. I glared.

"You're right. The last thing we need is Ali singing more depressing songs about the one that got away."

He's a freaking weirdo.

"I swear he's great Nazeeha, give him a chance," Saf apaa urged.

I opened my mouth to tell her I was giving him a chance but they all started talking. In the end they promised I'd have no reason to say no to their brother.

I made Navsheen sleep on the floor that night.



When I got home, Yusuf bhai pulled me back. "So? What's the decision?"

"I don't know. We never got to that part..." I trailed off, realizing we never actually gave an answer.

"She told Inayah that she'd give an answer after Nav's wedding," he told me.

"Okay. Guess I'll decide then too," I nodded slowly.

"What's your decision now?" Yusuf asked with a smirk.

"Nothing you need to be concerned with," I sneered and he grabbed me in a headlock, poking a finger into my side to tickle me.

The next day, I spent standing around downstairs, hoping mum or someone would ask me to head to the other house so I could see her. But no one did.

Instead, Ayaan bhai dragged me out with him to go to the mithai shop and then double check the wedding day menu with the caterers.

"My feet hurt!" I whined again, sitting down on the stool the storeowner brought me. Best thing about shopping in India was the royal treatment.

"Well keep your feet in check mate, we're all going out to eat tonight. Everyone, including your future wife," Ayaan bhai gave me a coy smile.

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