Wildest Dreams

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OMG the love and support for the last chapter were amazing!!!! Thank you guys so much for the comments and I can't tell you how relieved and happy I am that you guys enjoyed the last chapter! I'll definitely be putting more songs in them since you guys enjoyed it so much.

Nazeeha's dress up top (but more halal of course LOL :P)

Hope you like this one too! Vote and Comment :D

We were all exhausted the next morning. The nikah would happen after lunch but we were all up by 7, after going to sleep at like 2. Navsheen was up even earlier but poor girl fell asleep while getting her makeup and hair done on the insistence of the makeup artist.

"You don't want your makeup done?" the makeup artist asked me in Gujarati when I walked into the room now wearing my lehengha for today.

"No, I'm okay, thank you," I smiled at her.

"Sure? Navsheen was telling me you're about to get engaged too. You don't want to look nice for him?" she teased. I laughed as if I gave two shits about what he thought about me and politely declined again.

I was fly and I knew it. I didn't need some guy to tell me that.

I took my own corner of the room, sitting to straighten my now thankfully dry hair. My outfit today was to die for and so I was letting it do all the talking. It was a beautiful peach colour with gold work all over it. In the sunlight, it was lit. Literally.

My hair I pinned back with a diamante covered hair clip, pulling a few wisps to play in the front of my face. I slipped on bangles, and my jewellery, matching gold kundan-work earrings, necklace and a tika. I was ready by 9, but the makeup artist was still going with Nav.

Instead of lingering around, I left her to work quietly on the still napping bride and went to go help downstairs. Nav's mom put me to work, getting the stage ready in the mandap. It all looked phenomenal.

"Nazeeha! Bless your soul, please go run this to the other house. They delivered the groom's bouquet here too," Aisha bhabhi came to me with a whole tray of flower petals with two bouquets set on top.

"Sure," I smiled at her, taking the groom's flowers. I took the back route though it was longer but I'd get to avoid all the hoopla then. I kept my head down as I slipped in through their backyard, looking for someone I'd know. I spotted Mannat in the hallway and walked over to her, waving at Ayaan bhai on the way.

"Babe, this is for the groom," I held it out to her.

"Oh Nazeeha!" I turned to see Zinat Bhabhi coming our way. "Waseem's?" she gestured to the flowers in my hand.

I nodded. "Please go give them to him, the photographer's here and we thought we lost those," she groaned. I was about to give them to Mannat to take upstairs when Zinat Bhabhi dragged her away too. I turned to see if Ayaan bhai was there but I was met with a bunch of maids carrying bowls of rice.


I made my way upstairs, trying to remember the rooms I had been in so I could eliminate the ones that weren't his. There was one room that was louder than the others so I took a chance and went there.

I knocked on the door, hearing the music playing it. After a couple seconds and some rustling, the door flung open.

Guess who.

But even I was frozen in place then. He looked like something out of my naïve, childhood dreams. He was wearing a cream coloured kurta and salvar, his hair nicely side swept and a long scarf thrown around his neck and over one shoulder.

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