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So this is purely a fun, cutesy chapter for all my wedding lovers out there. I've actually added the songs they've danced to so play them as you read along for the real fun!

Enjoy :D

Tonight was the night. The fun, enjoyable, ladies only night. We were doing Nav's pseudo-bachelorette tonight but we all knew she was more than happy to let go of her single status and so it became more of night of us getting turnt.

We spent the morning getting everything in place and I spent most of the day getting in last minute rehearsals. We were doing a bit of a qawaali night to begin with so that the elders could sit around till they got tired. Then once they left, we'd start the party.

After Asr, I began to get ready. Tonight's dress code was lehengas, to keep in theme with the qawaali style decorations. In actuality, the theme was more to create an item-song style stage for all the inappropriate hip shaking we'd do later.

I wasn't praying so I got all my hair and makeup done as soon as possible. I ended up being one of the first people in the big living room. Mannat was already there so I walked over to her and sat down on the big cushions we'd laid out.

I admired her dark peach, almost orange blouse with a dark red skirt. She had her dupatta locked around her waist, giving her a very Gujarati look. "Bo saras lage. Najar na pare mari chokri par (You look so pretty. May God keep you away from evil eyes)" I teased.

"Thanks," she chuckled. "So you ready?"

"I was born ready. I'm actually really excited. Nav was telling me how talented everyone is in her family, and from what I remember from Zayed bhai's wedding, it should be good."

"Oh my God yes! I've been to three weddings in this family now and I am so excited because everyone's going all out today. Plus I get to get up there too," she shrugged jokingly. She continued making me laugh as I set some of the tablas and dholaks in places I want, grabbing one for anyone who would join us on our cushion too.

People started trailing in hoards and within 20 minutes, the room was full of family. Zinat apaa somehow divided the room in half without a bullhorn. We had invited three professional qawaali players to play the music and even sing with us.

I was sitting with Inayah and Zinat bhabhi when Yusuf walked over. When I looked up, I saw Ali walk into the room, taking a seat across from me.

"Okay okay start!" some aunty called out and so Zinat bhabhi got up to take charge. Yusuf bhai took her spot.

"No boys," she pointedly looked at her own husband.

"Come on! Let us stay for a bit. It's our sister's wedding," Armaan pouted at her. I could see her resolve dissolving. Tell them to leave, please tell them to get the hell out.

"Let them stay for a bit," Zinat's mother-in-law told her, looking endearingly at her nephew. He grinned like a kid on Christmas and sat down beside Ali.

"Okay we're going to do a revised version of Antakshari," Zinat apaa told the room. "We're going to start off the regular way. Once a team gets three points, we start eliminating people. And in the second round, you can sing a song by an artist in the movie of the last song. 1 point for each actor, 2 points for each last letter song and 5 points if it's a qawaali song. Winning team will get a prize!" she finished off.

Team captain, so Safiyana apaa and myself, tossed coin. She called it and decided to let us go first, choosing a letter. They gave us P.

Someone started singing and our team joined in. Zinat apaa was the point keeper and gave it to us. It went back and forth for a bit but I was distracted. Ali was sending looks my way every so often and it made it hard to focus on anything but him. After last night, even I had to admit that his charm was working. He was sweet but it would take a meteor shower before I would admit that to him.

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