Three Months

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This chapter may be a bit dry but I promise there's some proper character development in this :P 

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Once the plane took off, I unbuckled my seatbelt and went into the bathroom. The passengers were mostly asleep since it was 4am in India so there was no line and no one in the way. I locked the door, put the toilet seat down and just let it all out. I had to bite down on my hands to keep my sobbing from making any noise.

A months worth of anxiety, joy, sadness, excitement, contentment, and anger all came crashing down at once. I craved to be back in my empty apartment, in my big bed alone but there wasn't anything I wouldn't give up to be back in India right now, home with my cousins, with Navsheen, and Mannat, and Safiyana apaa and Inayah bhabhi.... and Ali.

All that was going to happen was I was going to go back to an empty apartment, with the same old routine of work, school, work, cold dinners, work. No more singing and dancing with the girls all night, eating pani puri everyday, staying up and staring at stars.

Back to life alone.

I wiped my tears away and stood up, turning on the cold water and splashing my face with it. Deep beaths.

I retied my hair and went back to my seat. I popped in another Tylenol and just slept the whole way back to London.


I sent Ali a quick message when I landed and then called my mom too. Rida, my cousin, had come to pick me up. "How was the trip?"

"It was good. Hectic but good," I nodded to no one in particular, pulling my shades over my eyes because of the glare of the snow. Thankfully, she brought my jacket as I told her to otherwise I would've died for sure. It was fucking freezing.

"Congrats again on the engagement, that's your ring?"

I nodded. "Thanks."

"It's beautiful man. Lucky girl," she chuckled. I laughed with her, spinning the ring around my finger.

We lived 20 minutes from the airport, the ride going by as I called everyone back in India.

It was dinnertime when we landed so we picked up some fried chicken on the way. Rida grabbed one suitcase and I rolled the other and my handbag through the parking garage and into the apartment.

"Alright, good night," Rida waved and head into her room with her bags. I rolled my bags into my bed room and then head straight into the shower. After washing up, I put on my favourite PJs- old pants and my favourite tank top- and then scrambled into bed with my food. Unpacking could wait.

My heart was not feeling it. The anxiety bubbles as I used to call them, we surfacing again. I opened my laptop, turned on Hum Saath Saath Hain and dived into the warm, perfect, crispy chicken.

I just finished eating when my phone rang. I quickly ran out of the kitchen and back to my room to pick it up.


"Did you run back to London?" Ali's chuckle came from the other end.

"Sure feels like it," I fall onto my bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired," I sighed.

"When are you back to school?"

"The day after tomorrow. But it's already 3am here so actually tomorrow," I noted, seeing the time on my clock.

"Why aren't you asleep?"

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