Chapter 14-Confessions, Fists and Phone Calls

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 Harry’s POV

I trailed myself down the stairs practically dragging my body as it felt so heavy with guilt. When I went into the living room I realised everyone was here everyone apart from Louis and Emma this made my heart sink a little bit more.

I plonked myself down on the sofa next to Zayn and Michaela who are cuddled up with each other I wish that was me and Emma “shut up Harry your just torturing yourself” I thought to myself. Suddenly Liam’s voice broke the thoughts in my head.

“Guys, I want to tell you something” Liam started, he paused.

“I really like Emma.” He rushed the words I think hoping we didn’t hear but I heard alright and as soon as he said that, I felt my heart stop. I stood up.

Anger and hurt was written all over my face “What?” I asked, trying to keep my anger at bay. Liam looked at me with a nervous expression.

“I like Emma.” He almost whispered my fist clenched by my side. I liked Emma! He knows I like Emma!

“You’re joking right?” I questioned him and he shook his head.

“I like Emma.” I said taking a step forward. “I've always liked Emma; I was the one who suffered when she was in hospital! You didn't give a crap!”

“I did! I cared! We all cared! She’s not just your friend” Liam shouted back at me. Once again I took a step closer, I felt everyone else stand up as well.

“Calm down guys, there is no need to shout.” Michaela said. I ignored her I knew she was just trying to help but I didn’t want it.

“Emma is mine. You stay away from her Liam.” I said, my voice was threatening and filled with anger.

“She's not a piece of property Harry what happened to not wanting to objectify girls and anyway last thing I heard was that she yelled at you. Guess all girls don't fall for your charms.” Liam said.

What he just said got to me and I couldn’t hold the anger anymore so I charged at him with a raised a fist, but Zayn stopped me before I did something id regret.

“Calm down guys! Don't let a girl ruin your friendship.” he said

“It's not just a girl, its Emma, she's different.” I said, calming myself down.

“Still, you shouldn't fall out because of her, she wouldn't want that.” Niall said. I nodded and turned around to leave I couldn’t deal with this.

“Harry, I'm sorry, I can't help what I feel.” Liam called after me I nodded gently at him and walked away. Before I had got up the stairs I heard Abbie's voice.

“Well, that was dramatic.” I sighed tell me about it and with that I continued up the stairs and flopped on my bed hoping the ground would swallow me up.

Emma’s POV

I spent the rest of my day cuddled up to Louis and Leon while we watched all Leon’s kid’s programmes which I find quite annoying but Louis looked like he was loving it.

All I could think about was if I should phone Harry or not he was constantly in my mind and it’s really annoying I just want to get him on the brain. I sigh really heavily in anger at myself.

“What’s up Emz?” Louis asked looking a little concerned.

“Should I call Harry and apologize?” I questioned him knowing he would know the right thing to do.

“I honestly think you should because although he can be a prick he does care and he does really like you” he answered quite bluntly

I let out another big sigh and said “Okay but if I fuck I blame you carrot boy” and I winked at him leaving the room. I now knew exactly what I was going to say to Harry weather he will understand or not is a whole different story.

Harry’s POV

I could hear a slight vibration next to me on my bedside table I knew it was my phone so I grabbed it off the side lazily glancing at the screen .My eyes widened in shock as the screen read:

Emma Calling

I answered immediately “Hello”

“Hello Harry look im sorry but we need to talk…”

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