Chapter 15-I like her but I think I love you!

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 Vicky’s POV

I was stood there in shock watching Liam and Harry argue they were best friends they shouldn’t be doing this over a girl and especially a girl who’s already been through so much.

This wasn’t my only worry at this moment in time as I feel like my heart has just been ripped out of my chest by the one and only Liam Payne as soon as he said the words ‘I like Emma’ my heart stopped.

I had liked Liam for a while now but I hadn’t told anyone because I didn’t really know what to say and I don’t think Emma or Abbie will understand because they both can get whoever they want so they don’t really ponder on it. Although Emma surprisingly has never had a boyfriend she always rejected every lad that asked her even Louis at one point that was an awkward month after that.

I was smacked back into reality when I heard Liam shouting “She's not a piece of property Harry what happened to not wanting to objectify girls and anyway last thing I heard was that she yelled at you. Guess all girls don't fall for your charms.” Wow I bet that stung.

Before Harry could react with a punch Zayn stopped them “Calm down guys! Don't let a girl ruin your friendship.” he said

“It's not just a girl, its Emma, she's different.” Harry replied, calming himself down.

“Still, you shouldn't fall out because of her, she wouldn't want that.” Niall said. Harry nodded and turned around to leave.

“Harry, I'm sorry, I can't help what I feel.” Liam called after him Harry nodded gently at him and walked away.

Abbie sighed then said “Well, that was dramatic.” I just looked at her as if to say you’re telling me.

Once Harry had left Liam also turned to leave but I grabbed his arm before he could.

I whispered “Are you ok? Want to talk about it?”

He simply nodded and carried on walking towards the garden I followed him.

We sat on the bench in Harry and Liam’s back garden that was looking out across to a little river and bridge at the end of it. I felt an awkward silence build up so I knew I should break it.

“So Li what’s on your mind?” I questioned

“A lot of things…Too many things” He sighed looking at the ground.

I gently pulled his chin up so he would look me in the eyes and not at the ground “You know sometimes when you like someone you just gotta let it go because there may be someone they like better” he pulled a puzzled expression.

“Trust me Li I know how it feels I mean my best friends are Abbie and Emma for god sake they always get there first even if they do reject them in Emma’s case”

“Vicky that must be horrible I don’t see why you don’t get a lot of attention your beautiful” He smiled

I blushed a little then quickly smiled back “Thanks Li that means a lot but boys don’t look for beautiful they look for fit and hot”

“Not all boys do Vic” he winked at me. I blushed again seriously im going to be a tomato by the end of this.

“Haha your cute when you blush” Liam giggled to himself.

“Thanks at least it got you smiling” I said trying not to blush more.

“Nah it was you that did that” he said looking into my eyes “Did I ever tell you, you have beautiful eyes”

“No you didn’t Li”

“Well okay then Vicky you have beautiful eyes” I smiled up at him.

“Thanks again Li, you sure know how to make a girl feel good”

“It’s not intentional I mean it” He smiled at me gradually getting closer to my face I swear my heart skipped a beat.

“Liam you like Emma shouldn’t you be saying all this to her” he stopped moving and looked at me again.

“You know Vic you’ve made me realise something and I must have been dumb to not notice”

“What is it Li?” I looked at him suspiciously.

“I may like Emma, Vicky but I think I love you” and with that he leaned in even further his lips literally inches from mine I looked at him as if to say are you sure, he nodded and placed his lips on mine.

I swear to god it was bonfire night because it felt like there were fireworks everywhere. When we finally parted my lips were tingling wishing his would return.

I began giggling at a thought I just had “What’s up?” Liam asked.

“That was so CHEESY!” I said through all my giggles Liam began laughing too “Haha yeah I guess it was but it was perfect”

I swear that boy was trying to kill me with words.

Liam’s POV

Oh my god how did I never notice before while I was crushing on Emma the perfect girl was right in front of me. As soon as she said “Liam you like Emma shouldn’t you be saying all this to her” I knew I should tell her my new realisation.

“You know Vic you’ve made me realise something and I must have been dumb to not notice” I spoke aloud to her well there’s no going back now.

“What is it Li?” she looked at me suspiciously.

“I may like Emma, Vicky but I think I love you” I leaned in even further our lips literally inches from each other she looked at me saying are you sure with her eyes, I nodded because I was more than sure and I placed my lips on hers.

I could feel the fireworks as soon as my lips touched hers. When we were begging for air we parted and I swear my lips were tingling as if hers were still there.

Vicky began giggling oh god she didn’t like it she doesn’t feel the same omg what a prat I am “What’s up?” I asked.

“That was so CHEESY!” she said through fits of giggles I began laughing to realising it wasn’t as bad as I thought “Haha yeah I guess it was but it was perfect” I said she looked shocked but entirely pleased.

“Vicky….?” I asked hoping I wouldn’t make a fool of myself.

“Yes Liam” She smiled.

“Would you like to go on a date with me?” I asked a bit dubious.

“I would love to Liam” She smiled at me.

“Okay I shall text you the time and place” I winked at her.

She giggled and began walking back inside I followed her back in not long after wondering what was going on inside because there was a load of shouting and the voices sound like Emma and Harry…

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