Chapter 17-Will it end with a bang?

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 This is the last chapter people please comment below if you would like a sequel

Emily xx


Emma’s POV

I sat in my living room with Leon playing with his building bricks, he was getting me to build stuff then he would go around knocking it down.

“RAWR, im a dinosaur!” Leon shouted while knocking all my little buildings over I couldn’t help but laugh he was so cute.

“Argh save me!” I screamed through more fits of giggles.

“Emma dinosaur is hungry” Leon complained.

“Okay what does this hungry dinosaur want to eat” I knew what was coming as soon as I said it “PANCAKES” he screamed nearly deafening me.

“Okay I will go make some while you go upstairs and play with your toys ok?”

“Ok” he toddled off humming to himself god I loved that child he always put a smile on my face.

I wonder how he would react if I told him the truth when he was older would he hate me? Or love me? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door; I put the mixing bowl down and made my way to the door.

I swung open the door to reveal a mop of curls and Harry hidden beneath them he looked up and smiled showing his dimples. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Don’t worry Louis explained come on in and welcome to the mad house for the weekend” I chuckled at him.

“Thank god thought I was going to get loads of confused questions fired at me that I didn’t know the answer to” He smiled.

“Follow me to the kitchen im making pancakes for Leon he loves them, would you like some?” I asked him

“Yeah sure as long as you can cook” he winked.

“Of course I can I cook for Leon all the time because mams to busy”

“Okay I’ll give you a chance” He laughed.

“Can you go check on Leon please while I finish this pancake?”

“Yeah sure which room?”

“He’s upstairs you’ll be able to guess which room trust me” I grinned.

Harrys POV

“Can you go check on Leon please while I finish this pancake?”

“Yeah sure which room?”

“He’s upstairs you’ll be able to guess which room trust me” she grinned.

I made my way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Leon’s room. When I got to the top of the stairs I could tell which was Leon’s room straight away she was right the whole door was covered in SpongeBob and Ben 10 stickers then it had 4 block capital letters on that spelt LEON.

As I approached his door there was no noise coming out of it maybe he liked to play in silence although this is what I wanted to believe I highly doubted it. I twisted open the door getting nervous then I quickly flung it open to reveal nothing but a room full of toys scattered everywhere and the windows wide open….wait the windows wide open oh my god where is he.

I quickly ran to the window I don’t know why or what I expected to see but there was nothing until I noticed a piece of paper floating around next to the window with the big letters E M M A on it…Emma. I decided I best not open it and let her do it but that means that now I’ve got to reveal to her that her little brothers missing.

Will it end with a bang-One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now