Chapter 5-Crash Landing!

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Harry’s P.O.V

As I tried to reassure Emma all I heard from behind me was,

“Don’t tell me it’s going to be okay as were still going up and down like something not right and there’s a big ass crack in the wing”

Wow Emma really mustn’t like flying when she’s acting like this over a little turbulence, then my thoughts were interrupted by a creaking noise I turned around confused only to see Emma looking out the window. Was she right was there a crack in the wing? My thoughts were interrupted again by the captain’s voice over the speaker again “Everyone aboard this flight I hate to cause panic but we are going to crash land and im not sure when or where so please do try stay calm I am going to drop the oxygen masks soon and everyone try to prepare yourself for landing. Thank you”

OMG, Emma was right were going to crash this can’t be happening all I wanted to do was keep Emma safe but I couldn’t I was too far away ,this made me panic she must be so scared right now. It was when I turned to look out of the window when I realised the ground was nearing and I could tell we were going to make a big impact on the ground just looking at it. I started worrying even more I turned to check on Emma to see she was out cold with Louis beside her checking her making sure she was okay he didn’t look hopeful but there was no time to talk, we were about to land.


I woke up feeling a little hazy only to realise I was in a room with all white walls and a simple little chair placed next to the bed I double checked to see if I was where I thought I was…the hospital. I heard footsteps approach my room and when I turned around I could see a nurse she walked in and came up to me with a smile on her face,

“Oh hello, darling your awake I see, you are defiantly a very lucky young boy”

“What do you mean Im a lucky young boy?” I questioned

“You were in a plane crash, you and all your friends got away with only minor injuries although there was one girl erm…Emma I think”

I interrupted her as I heard Emma’s “Emma what’s up with her I want to see her and I want to see her now”

“Im sorry darling you can’t see her right now she’s in a critical state we aren’t sure which way she’ll go we just hope she’ll pull through”

I began to cry, “No she can’t be, she can’t die I never got to tell her”

“Tell her what honey?”

“Nothing it doesn’t matter” I blubbered

“I’m so sorry; we will keep you updated about her”

“Please I must see her surely she can hear me” I stated.

“She can darling but right now we aren’t let anyone see her not even family, right just let me quickly check you over before I release you”

“Okay” I mumbled


Once I was released I had to go home although all I wanted to do was be by Emma’s bed. I couldn’t stop all the horrible thoughts running through my head like; what if she dies, what if she’s dead now and they don’t think I need to know what if she’s permanently ill if she wakes up. I began to cry again it would kill me if I never got to tell Emma how I feel.


After all that waiting guys its not that good sorry :/ xxx

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