Chapter 1

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Bellamy POV

I watch from afar as Octavia plays with Jake and Lottie. A year has passed since everything went down. Camp has settled into a peaceful life, with Clarke leading the way, her legend even larger after the destruction of the City of Light. Not that she likes the fame that comes with it.

Lottie is almost 3, with deep brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders. Her lean frame predicts she will be a fighter, like her aunt. On the other hand, Jake looks set to be like his mum. Short, blonde hair, but with a fire and stubbornness that even the devil would be proud of.
The others haven't changed; they're still the same strong people I landed on earth with.

One big change is that Octavia is expecting. Her and Lincoln found out that she was pregnant about 6 months back, so she's pretty big. And extremely nervous.

Right now I can't blame her, and it's not because of the baby. Recently, the peace has been disintegrating with tension taking its place. The grounder coalition has been without a commander since Ontario's reign, with no one prepared to take up the mantle (I don't blame them, the job isn't easy. And the latest heda's have had a tendency to die off sooner than the rest). The lack of leadership has led to a power struggle, meaning many are pushing Clarke to take power as Wanheda. Her solution- to take a temporary role as Heda until the peaceful appointment of a new leader. It hasn't stopped Azgeda and Trikru from attacking one another and keeping armies parked at each others borders. The distrust is deafening.

And after a long peace meeting with the ambassadors, its written all over Clarke's face. She stumbles out of the rover with more paper than she can handle and rushes to the Chancellors chambers, not sparing me a second glance. Everyone in camp stops and watches as my better half storms into the central building.

I stop at the armory to give back my rifle, before rushing to greet her. Thank god Lottie and Jake are with Octavia because I don't want them to be in Clarke's firing line. I pick up the pace and jog to the guards posted at our door. They salute, but I wave them off. That's when a scream rips through the metal walls of our apartment. The guards give me a look that says I'm glad its you and not me as I cautiously step in.
"Clarke, honey, are you okay?" I say softly. Upon further inspection, I realise that no, everything is not okay. Clarke is sat on the floor, rocking back and forth, surrounded by the papers she was carrying only seconds ago.
"I guess the meeting didn't go so well then". If looks could kill.
"No. Indra won't back down and with Roan still recovering, that asshole Bartholomew has taken control of the Azgeda army. We all know he doesn't approve of my position and he won't listen to a word I say. And now the wastelanders and war clans have started taking sides which isn't helping. So no nothing is okay!" She explains. I sit on the sofa behind Clarke and start massaging her shoulders.
"I'm sure Indra will change her mind eventually, she seems like she was a reasonable person once", I say in an attempt to calm her down.
"She says the only way she'll pull her army back is if Azgeda does the same. And everyone knows that that'll never happen." She pulls the papers together and dumps them onto the desk before continuing.
"If you ask me its a lost cause. War is coming - all I'm doing is delaying it and not well. Everyone can feel it. It all feels so futile". Clarke finishes, her tone much calmer than before.
"What is?" I ask.
"The ring of fire, killing Finn, Mount weather, the city of light. Anything we've ever done to prevent war, yet we're still at war". She rubs her forehead as if she's trying to find an answer that's not there. I step closer and take her hands in mine.
"It's not like there's a manual for this stuff okay? No one said it was going to be easy. But we- you do it anyway. You always find an answer and you will again. I can't think of a single person who's come against the famous Wanheda and prevailed in the end. This Bartholomew dude, he'll find out the hard way. Just be a little more ruthless. You know 'you wanted the commander of death. You got her'", Clarke's face lights up and she playfully pushes me over.
"Who told you about that?!"
"Indra and I may have conversed". I pull her into my chest and hug her tight. She moulds into me and squeezes.
"I'm sorry I took it out on you. I'm just stressed. Thank god the kids weren't the ones that walked in".
"You wouldn't have exploded at them. Your a better mum than you give yourself credit for."
I kiss her forehead and we stay in the moment, stranded in each others arms.
"Together." She mutters.

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