Chapter 15

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Clarke's POV

After treating a rather loud and snotty young child, I leave the med bay and crutch to meet Bellamy at our apartment. I awkwardly open the door and step inside to find the kids playing with Octavia in the kitchen.
"Hey O, how are you feeling?" I ask.
"I'm a lot better thanks. And you? How's the leg?"
"Don't tell Bell but it hurts so bad. And it's worse because I'm so limited. Some days I wake up and forget that I need crutches, put weight on it and then face plant", I say honestly.
"Its only been 12 days since it happened. Your not superhuman Clarke, it'll take time. Besides, your Clarke Griffin, you'll be back to normal in no time", she reassures.
"Thanks O. So how have my kids been?".
"Lottie hit Jake when he said I looked 'fap'", she replies. "And then proceeded to tell him that I had a baby inside of me". I laugh and look over to my kids who are patiently waiting for dinner. I happily help my sister finish cooking, and Bellamy and Lincoln arrive just in time to eat. Our plan is disrupted by the fact that Jake fell asleep into his dinner. So we opt to leave him at home in bed.

2 hours since arriving home, Bellamy, Lottie and I are walking through the gate.
"Lottie, don't go too far ahead",  Bellamy calls out. But the toddler is already 100 metres ahead.
"She'll be okay as long as she's in sight", I comment. "So where are we walking tonight, Mr Blake?" I wonder.
"I thought we'd take a trip down to the lake and back. It's not to far and it's a nice place to see the stars", he says.
We walk through the forest in silence, keeping a close eye on Lottie. When we reach the lake, we sit on the embankment and Bellamy plays with Lottie, splashing her with water and chasing her in the shallows. Lottie enjoys it even more when Bellamy falls into the water, drenching himself. Dripping wet and starting to shiver, Bellamy drags himself to my side. We both observe the sky as darkness falls, the stars and moon acting as our only light source.
"Beautiful isn't it", I whisper in awe.
"Words can't describe", he utters.
I begin to ask a question, but as I turn to fave him I see that Bellamy's eyes are transfixed on me. I let out a smiley sigh.
"You weren't talking about the stars were you?".
"Why look up there when I've got a better view down here", he remarks.
"Ah yes, my black eye is so sexy", I retort.
"You'd be surprised", he replies.
I laugh and watch him intently as he laughs too.
When we've both calmed down, we look around and see that Lottie has wondered off.
"Lottie! Where are you honey?!" We call together.
Well done Clarke. Grade A parenting! I hear a faint gargle and point towards it. Bellamy lights a torch and sprints ahead, but on my crutches I'm left behind.
"Clarke. You going to want to see this!" Bellamy calls to me. I speed up as much as I can.

When I finally find them in the vegetation, I see Lottie stood in front of an enormous, black beast. A beast that could kill her in one swipe. A wolf- like animal that could stand taller than me. Bellamy takes a cautious step forward, reaching for his gun at the same time, but the giant dog growls deeply at him.
"Easy. Easy. Lottie come here", I sneer. But she is fascinated by the creature. She stands chewing her hand as the dog looks down on her. I hold my breath and pray that these aren't my daughters final moments. To my surprise, nothing happens. The wolf stares at Lottie with the same wonder and gentleness. I realise that maybe this beast isn't a beast after all, but a tame creature. I drop the crutches and raise my hands. I limp forward with my hands still up and the wolf shoots me a dangerous look, but I remain vigilant. Moments later and I'm beside my daughter, pushing her behind me and back to Bellamy. I raise a hand to communicate that my intentions are pure. It's big black eyes stare into my soul and I'm scared for my life. However, something tells me this animal won't hurt me.

We stay, motionless, staring one another down. Until the sleek black wolf steps forward.
"Clarke! I don't like this!" Bellamy whispers.
I raise my free hand and wave him off. I watch tentatively as the mammal smells my hand and nudges it.
"I don't think she wants to hurt us", I say, beckoning Bellamy forward.
I guide Bellamy's hand to the dogs muzzle and watchbas the dog accepts him too.
"What are you?" I ask her
"A wolf I guess. What now? We keep her as a pet?" Bellamy pipes up.
"Doubt it, she's a wild animal. Sire is pretty though. Come on let's go", I say. I crawl back to my crutches and follow behind my family. Lottie throws a tantrum at the thought of leaving her friend, but she's asleep by the time we reach Arcadia.

As we trudge back through the gate, I hear a whimper. Looking back into darkness, I spot two bright eyes.
"Did she follow us?" Bellamy says.
"I guess so", I answer. "It doesn't feel right to turn her away now".
"I have always wanted a pet", Bellamy answers. "What are we gunna call her?" I look at him and raise an eyebrow.
"You're serious?".
"Yeah. She seems timid enough. And Lottie will be ecstatic. So, what do you wanna call her?".
I take another deep look at the wolf and imagine her alone in the woods. I see her lean frame and strong legs. But, on the tip of one ear I see a scar. A mark left from a violent kill. She's clearly a huntress, a lone wolf.
"Artemis. Let's call her Artemis".

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