Chapter 6

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Clarke's POV

I wake up in a cell. Thick iron bars seperate me from a door. All the walls are polished concrete; so polished in fact that you can see the condensation dripping down. One of my hands is cuffed to a ring about halfway up one of the bars.

I wobble to my feet and jiggle the cuffs. Ignoring the pain, I pull to see if they are weak enough to snap. Alas, they are not. In a last ditch attempt for freedom I attack the bar. Kicking and punching in the hope that it will bend, buckle or break. Again no luck.

"There's no point in doing that", a cruel voice says behind me. "This cell survived a nuclear apocalypse. I'm sure it can survive you".
"I wouldn't be so sure", I answer.
Upon turning around, I see that the man is inside the cell with me.
"So are you going to tell me why ice nation came so far north?" He demands.
"I'm not even ice nation. I was brought here by the ambassador. Please just let me go", I plead.
"Funny, your friend said the same thing. He wouldn't give me a good answer either. Can you guess where he is now? But you see, I like you. So I'll give you another go. Why are you here?" His tone becomes harsher both the 3rd and 4th he has to ask. On the 5th he becomes impatient. On the 6th his fists get involved. Punch after punch. Kick after kick and he won't get the message.
"I'M NOT ICE NATION! I'LL LEAVE YOUR PEOPLE ALONE JUST LET ME GO!" I scream. A kick to the chest leaves me in a coughing fit.

There's a short beep and Mr. Fum times leaves. I examine my wounds. Broken ribs, possible broken wrist and cuts and bruises everywhere. My breathing becomes short and quick as deep breaths cause pain in my side. And the headache I predict I'll have when I wake up makes me feel sick.

My panic increases when I hear voices outside. This time Mr. Fun time has a date.
"You his girlfriend? Cos that means you have poor taste. He really is no fun at all", I croak.
They step into my cell without a sound but make the mistake of moving to close. I manage to land a punch or two before I'm hit with a barrage in return. It was worth a shot.
"That was cute. But now let's try again". The man pulls a knife from his pocket and threateningly twirls it by my face. "Why are you here?"

Bellamys POV

After hearing the news, I asked O if she could watch the kids a little longer, not knowing how long 'a little' would be. Monty, Jasper, Harper, Miller and I then dove into the Rover 2 and made the journey to Polis. When we arrived Raven was sat in Rover 1 crying. You should have heard the apologies she gave me.
And now we all stand with Indra and Roan, wondering where the hell my beloved has gone.

"We already know about the war clans - who else would want to kidnap her?" I ask Roan impatiently.
"Another party, she wasn't exactly loved by the clans so any of them. Another splinter group. Bartholomew maybe. But only to show her that he was telling the truth. Which means they're in the ice natiom.", he explains.
"Would he really have the balls to do that?", I say.
"Well with the securtity detail I gave him, he'd certainly have the capabilities", he responds.
"Boy, she's gonna love you when she gets back. Come on your majesty. It seems we're going to the Ice nation".

Clarke's POV

The thin blade runs smoothly across my skin as it opens up a fresh cut on my abdomen. I wince and cry out as it scratches my body.
"AGAIN! Why are you here!" The interrogator asks.
"I already told you", I exclaim.
"I'm getting impatient". He gives me a cruel look, before plunging the knife deep into my knee. I scream as I feel the cold metal collide with my bone. Over my screams Mr. Fun times shouts
"Who are you and why are you here?!"
"My name is Clarke Griffin, I'm Skaikru like you. People call me Wanheda. The ambassador brought me here to make me believe him. Please stop", I answer.
I hold my breath and wait for another blow. However the short beep rings out instead.
"Stay here", he points at me.
"Where else am I gunna go", I spit back.
I scan my body again, only this time it's harder because blood masks a lot of the fresh cuts and bruises. My leg is fucked. The Pool of blood that has already amassed on the floor makes me think the knife may have snagged a vein or artery. Thankfully the knife is plugging the bleed. And there are 8 or 9 varying deep cuts that say 'bye bye bikinis'.
The door opens and the man re enters.
"It's your lucky day. Someone high up wants to see you", he spits.
I'm uncuffed from and pulled to my feet. Mr fun times attaches the cuffs to my wrists, as if he thinks I'll make a break for it. I limp towards and out of the door, only for two more guards to join us. They stand around me in formation and march me forwards. We enter a corridor that leads into more corridors, but at the end there's a door.
A door that leads outside.

I make the worst decision ever as pull the knife out of my leg. Then, I stab the closest guard in the back and gallop to the door. The guards behind me stay with their man whilst a lone ranger chases after me, but he's too late. With effort, I open the door and continue my limping run down the hill and into the treeline.
I spare a glance back and see that the lone ranger gave up. What I fail to spot is the hill that lays in front of me. I lose my footing, and roll all the way to the bottom.

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