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Run. That was the repeating message on the escaping girl's head. The only sounds heard on Diagon Alley were the thumps of shoes against asphalt and the heavy breathing of Calypso's lungs as the strain of running wore them down. However, these were not the only sounds the once immortal girl heard. The heavy thumping of her heart hammered on her ears, dulling the outside's strange surroundings. The soles of her shoes slamming on asphalt were still a foreign feeling; a constant reminder of the faraway sand.
     Calypso stopped and supported her hands on her knees, bending her head down. Her breathing was fast and ragged, following the rushed pace of her heart. The panting would not stop, no matter how hard she tried to calm down. It was much more tiring than any day in Ogygia, but she didn't regret coming for one second. The bitter solitude was the reason she had escaped. Calypso couldn't stand waiting to get her heart broken anymore. The heroes that came, she didn't love them by will. It was like the island put glasses on her, they looked like gods in her eyes. It always felt forced; she never actually knew how they were in reality, all she saw was a dream. At least until Leo came. For the first time she saw clearly, it was like someone had wiped her glasses clean. The immortal girl saw his flaws, his smirk, his sense of humor- she couldn't believe he was one of the heroes sent to break her. Leo Valdez was the only guy whom the mist didn't make perfect. He was the only guy Calypso truly loved for his self.
     She smiled at the memory of their traveling months with his weird metal dragon. But then, just as quickly, her smile ran away. She was snapped back to the present reality, her escape. Calypso collapsed, not being able to hold her tears back anymore. Unfortunately, she didn't see the approaching car coming from behind her until a rough push brought her to the floor.

Calypso opened her eyelids slowly, expecting death. Instead, she found bright blue eyes looking at her with worry. As a reflex, she quickly pushed the blonde teen in front of her and stood up to run again. Or at least tried to stand up, she fell immediately, her left ankle in throbbing pain.
    "Who are you?" She asked, grabbing a weird crushed blue thing from the side for protection. "What happened?"
     The blonde guy raised his hands at her fearsome voice that cracked. "I'm a friend of Leo, my name is Jason." He took a step forward and brought his hand in front of her. "I'm here to help you Calypso."
     Jason? Leo had talked about his camp, and between his friends she remembered a son of Jupiter (strange name for Zeus) called Jason. She hesitated for a moment before grabbing his hand and being pulled up.
    "How did you find me? Where's Leo?" Calypso asked at Jason, still clutching the blue metal thing.
    "Three other demigods went for him. I was searching for you, flying, when I found you about to get killed and I pushed you." Jason explained, "If you drop the threatening pepsi I can take you to camp half blood."
    Calypso looked at the metal thingy on her hand labeled 'pepsi' and dropped it. "Alright, friend of Leo, le-"
    The girl was interrupted when suddenly Jason bent down and groaned in agony. He clutched the sides of his head as if he had a migraine. Calypso took a step forward, preoccupied.
    "Jason, are you ok?"

"Jason's not home right now, please leave a message." The demigod raised his head, smiling eerily. "But I'll make sure he gets it."

    His eyes had left their blue color for a creepy red one; Calypso recognized the sign of god possession.
    "Who are you?" The girl's voice had taken on a steely tone.
    "Reveal myself from the beginning?" His red eyes glinted with mischief, "Now where's the fun in that?"
    She took a step back, eyeing the emergency stairs on her left. "Why are you in Jason? I thought a god would have better things to do with their time." Calypso had to stall while she thought of a plan to help Leo's friend.
    "Oh, this is just the beginning of my plans, it will escalate, don't worry." His scared lips formed a grin. "The olympians will regret ever crossing paths with me."
    Calypso glanced at the cables hanging from pole to pole and quickly calculated her plan. The mist wasn't as flexible here as in Ogygia but she could manage. Before the god could continue its evil monologue, she ran and climbed the stairs in Ollivander's brick wall.
    "Oh yay, my favorite part." Jason's once kind eyes were now twisted, enjoying Calypso's resistance. "The mouse pretends it has a chance against the cat."
     Calypso's fingers felt raw as she gripped the rusty metal bars quickly, gaining height from the killer son of Jupiter.
     "Do you want me to make it like a hide and seek for you? I'll count down and you try to hide on a five-story rooftop." The god taunted, going up behind her "Falling is not cheating by the way."
     Calypso had stuffed the 'pepsi' on her pocket and now she ripped the metal, accidentally cutting herself too. Not-Jason lifted himself up to the roof and stood up, closing his eyes to count down.
     "Thirty, giraffe, nineteen"
     The girl desperately bent over the edge, remembering what Leo told her when they needed cables once and she suggested taking the ones hanging from the poles. 'No sunshine, those are electrically  charged. I may be fireproof but electricity still grills your handsome boy.' She hoped this would be enough for an angry god but not for a son of Jupiter.
    "Tennant, eight, cinco."
     Calypso started stripping the cable with the sharp edge of the metal, the friction burning her fingertips.
     "Two, Uno- Ready or not, here I come!" The teen opened his eyes and turned around to face Calypso at the edge of the rooftop. "Ready to jump are we? Try to do a backflip for me."
     Calypso was still focusing on her task when the demigod stood right next to her.
     "Do you need a helping push?" The god laughed. "I can't promise the same outcome as Sherlock"
     Not-Jason's hands pushed... at thin air. 
     "What the-"
     "Hey genius," Calypso was now the one smiling, two cable tips sparking in each hand. "Next time, don't play games with a person who can weave mist."
     The demigod's face turned to shock as she pressed the charged cables against him, smoking his clothes. As a last act, the god clutched her arms, passing the charge to her too. The girl collapsed to the floor, having a seizure from the electricity. The last thing Calypso saw before passing out was Jason's eyes flickering from red to blue.

Author's note:
The picture in the media was my attempt at drawing Calypso -w- I haven't been updating that much since I'm on a trip, but yay internet! I hope the plot's not confusing or rushed, but I can clarify any questions you have.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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