Culinaria L'amore Chapter Six*

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<3 Infatuated


I woke up the next morning with a hangover. My head was pounding so damn loud, it being the only thing I could hear. It was the type of feeling where a person just wanted to curl up under her red covers, pop in two Advils, and sleep for the next two days straight.

Wait a minute...

My sheets were white, not red.

I shot up in my bed, nearly falling onto the plush carpeted floor in my haste, as I pushed away my tangled sheets and sprinted my way to the door. Instead of the obnoxious pounding being merely on my head, I realized that someone was furiously pounding on the door with their hand.

Opening up the door, I came face to face with a massive golden retriever as it jumped onto my chest, barrelling me over. The dog panted, its drool getting all over my black tank top, and cocked its ginourmous head, as if asking me why my hair was a mess, why I was wearing only mini pink shorts and a sleeveless shirt, and why I hadn't managed to hold in his (I assumed it was a he) weight.

Laughing, I reached up and scratched him behind his ears as he eagerly sniffed my free hand as if searching for a hidden treat in my palm.

"Hey, Goldilocks, come back here you she-dog!" A voice yelled in the hallway. The presumed 'Goldilocks' lifted its head from my body and let out an excited bark, one loud enough to wake up the entire country.

Before I could push of the hundred pound sack of fur and dog off my chest, a figure appeared at my doorway, his handsome face relaxing an inch as he viewed the spectacle in front of him.

The man before me was tall, probably taller than Jackson. He was wearing a black leather jacket that was snug against his broad shoulders and a pair of dark washed jeans that were slightly baggy. His hair was literally the same color as the animal before, however, in lieu of the straggly straight stands of Goldilocks, his were unruly and curling all over his tan skin. He had a square jaw and dark shadow around his chin with green eyes that were currently unabashedly running up and down my scantily sclad body.

"Um, hi," I muttered, managing to push the dog off and stand up, straightening out my wrinkled clothes, wishing that I had kept my sheep pj's on.

He looked at me bemused, his eyes still trailing up my image. "Usually when people say hi, you are suppose to say something in return." I said hotly, trying to discreetly hide as much of me away from him as possible, while slowly scootching back until I hit the side of the brown couch.

Giving me a larger than life smile, he took my hand and placed a soft kiss on my skin. "Hi, my name is Toben. It's nice to meet you, but what the hell are you doing in my room?"

Before I could reply to his strange question, another voice rang through the hallways. "Goldie? Toben? Where the hell did you guys- Oh, morning Kirsten."

Garrett stood at the doorway, peering into my, Toben's, someone's room. "Am I interupting something?" He asked raising an eyebrow at out closeness, due to Toben's gentlemanly kiss.

"No, nothing." I muttered, blushing slightly as I realized that now two men had now seen me in my booty shorts.

The dark haired boy barely acknowledged what I said before muttering, "well if you're ready to go, we can head up to the Institute and I'll give you a tour of the place. All the other students come tomorrow to get settled in their dorms so you get the first, 'exclusive' glance"

"Of course, just let my get on my stripper heels and we'll be on our way, eh?" I replied sarcastically, turning to the multiple doors that led to the kitchen, bathroom, closet, and balcony.

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