Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicated to the person above because of her amazing comments. Especially this one: hungry= food= cooking= Culinaria L'amore!

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"Well... there were three reasons, I guess." He hesitated before taking a bite of cheese. "First, our moms are really great friends and I guess I just wanted to get to know you a little better. You know, just figure out what your favorite color is, what annoys you, and why you aren't in college. That sort of thing. I mean, we will be living together for the next year and you are my student so it would be beneficial if we could add friends to that list. Second, you seemed like the kind of girl I li- would like to hang out with."

"Well," I leaned back in my chair, squeezing my lemon slice over my water, "My favorite color is purple, I hate it when people act as if they're the most important person in the world, and I'm not incollege because I've never really... you know, pushed myself for more."


"Why what? I like purple because it's a beautiful color and it matches with my complexion-"


"Okay, fine. I didn't go to college mainly because I thought after high school I would just be working in my family's restaurant, enjoying the simple lifestyle I could receive. But after the accident, I realized that not going to college really does make me suffer."

Garrett looked at me under hooded eyes. "I'm not going to tell you sorry because I bet hundreds of people had already said that. But I do feel for you."

I cleared my throat, a new habit I seemed to develop after being stuck in a couple of uncomfortable situations. "Anyways, my turn!" I managed to say with a slight smile. "What your favorite color, what is your favorite food, and what annoys you?"

He looked at me thoughtfully for a second before replying, "Black, eggrolls, and I hate it when people pretend to be someone they aren't."

Ten minutes later we were still going at it. "Favorite Disney princess?" I asked.

"I would normally say Ariel because she wasn't afraid to flaunt her stuff," he winked at me, a genuine smile on his face, "But I personally liked Pocahantus because she was hot too and had a lot of chance for threesomes with those two guys." The look on my face must of looked hilarious because he burst and laughing and muttered, "Kidding! Kidding! The look on your face was priceless. I don't have a favorite princess. They all look the same to me.

"Big boobs, big caboose, and big lips?"

"Exactly." He grinned. "Except it was hard to tell if Mulan actually had assets. The guy clothes was a slight turnoff."

I rolled my eyes, a small smile on my lips as I swirled my ice around with my straw.

"One order of the Greek Pasta?"

Looking up, the waiter smiled at me again, as if he seemed to recognized me. I accepted the plate, grateful that the dish was filled to the brim with olives, pepperoni, olive oil, and pasta. Just the way I liked it.

"This looks delicious." I muttered, shooting him a smile. "Do tell the cook I appreciate his cuisine."

I could tell that Garrett was looking at me out of the corner of my eye, and I realized that he was scowling. Again.

"And um, another stick of butter since the busboy must not of set up the table with butter." Was that a teasing tone in his voice? I looked up to find the waiter's hazel eyes twinkling in my direction before setting down Garrett's plate and walking away

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