Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys!

First, would you all like a CL one shot contest, I thought it would be fun but reader input would be really nice. Two, my new story Loveland is up and it would nbe great if you could check it out. It's a lot like Culinaria L'amore with the amount of romance so please go read it!

Vote and comment please :)

<3 Infatuated


Garrett pulled me aside as Alonzo and Angela left for the night, leaving a trail of moaning and giggling behind them.

"So, we don't have school tomorrow since it's a staff work day so I was wondering if you wanted to go out and enjoy the bitter cold Colorado wilderness?"

"Sure," I replied, hoping that I didn't sound too eager to get away from school and with Garrett.

He smiled at me, pulling me into another hug. "Alright, it's a date then, just remember to wear warm clothes. It's staring to get really chilly. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

If my heart wasn't completely melted before, I was pretty sure it was now.

Tuesday morning brought cold winds but a big sun, making it look as if it was warm when it was really actually freezing thanks to the windchill. Garrett and I left the mansion at nine in the morning, both bundled up to the max.

"You would think after living in Colorado for your whole life that you'd remember gloves." I muttered as I stuck my hands against the heater.

Garrett laughed as we headed down the road. "I think it's just you that would forget to bring them. Here, take mine."

I blushed and hurridly pushed Garrettt's gloves back at him. "Don't worry about it. I just hope where we're going is really warm. Which by the way, where are we going?"

He smiled then pursed his lips and lifted a finger to touch them. "It's a secret Kirsten. Be patient."

We finally stopped in downtown Denver, parking in front of a warm looking pastery shoped named 'La Baguette'.

Inside, we each grabbed a butter croissant and a cup of coffee for me and tea for him.

"This is a nice surprise," I managed to say after taking a huge bite out of my warm croissant, trying to chew with my mouth closed.

Garrett smiled over his cup of earl grey tea. "This isn't even part of the surprise you idiot. I just thought you might like some warm breakfast before we actually go have some actual fun."

Oh god. More surprises than a warm bakery shop. What else could he do?

After we finished our breakfast, Garrett drove for half an hour before parking in front of a large, grey building.

"Close your eyes." Garrett muttered. "And wait until I get back. What size shoe do you normally wear?"

"7 1/2" I muttered, before he slammed the car door shop and went wherever he was supposed to. After fidgeting for a couple minutes, I heard his feet crunch over the ice and snow, and he reopened the door, letting a gust of cold air come in.

"Let's go Kirsten." He said, pushing me inside the building. "You can open them now."

"Ice skating?" I asked looking at the ice rink.

"Yep, come on now unless you want me to beat you in the number of laps around the rink."

"Oh, you're on buster." I muttered, grabbing my skates and hurrying after him. Ice skating had been a long pastime favorite when my father and I would come here and he would teach me how to do triple toe axles without falling. I wondered how Garrett had figured this out because I had never once told him how much ice skating meant to me.

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