Chapter One - We are LYLAS

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It all stared on the X factor when a new girlgroup called LYLAS was formed. They all loved eachother, except Lauren and Ally. They didn't really got to talk to eachother. One day Ally comes up to her.

"Hey Lauren!" "Erm hi..." responed Lauren.
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, just wanna talk with you" Ally smiles.
"Oh well we gotta go, we're singing in half an hour remember?" Lauren says it thinking 'thank Godness!'
"Oh yeah, we can talk while we get our makeup done if you want." Ally says in a hopeful voice.

"Sure" Lauren smiles a little, not knowing what will happen later.

Lauren was a happy girl, but not like Ally. Ally was always nice to everyone and she really wanted to get to know Lauren for some reason. I mean they are in a group together.

While The X factor Artists were putting on makeup, Lauren sat near Ally. Ally noticed her 'Black veil Brides' shirt and bursted out: "OMG you listen to them?"

Lauren replied to her, now a kinda exciting voice: "Yeah I do! I love Andy so much, do you?!"
Ally had a big Smile and replied : "Girl he's amazing! I can't wait for their concert in San Antonio, which is next month."

Lauren almost jumps from her chair saying "OH MY GOD I WANNA GOO!! I CAN'T BELIEVE"

Ally then says: Well I have a spare ticket since my brother won't go. I can give it to you heh ;)"

Lauren screamed for a second and gave Ally a hug saying : THANK YOU SO MUCH I ALREADY LOVE YOU!"
Ally looked her kinda weirdly and said that it's not a big deal kinda seriously. How could a girl who hated her half an hour ago now jump to hug her? Hmm..

Camila, who was at that time closest with Lauren came saying: "What happened?! Is it something good or bad?!?"

Ally said "Well I gave Lauren my spare ticket for Black veil brides and she went bananas." she says smiling.
"Where are y'all? Are Dinah and Manibear ready?"

Ally was closest with her Texas gurl Normani and they gave eachother nicknames. Camila replied saying:
"Yes they're ready, hurry up!! It's almost showtime!!!"

Ally and Lauren were already in their costumes and just fixed their hair. Righr before they were performing Dinah had to pee, oops..

When going on stage to sing live Lauren whispered to the girls "Good luck girls". They all smiled and said "Thank you", except Dinah who was all like "Girls, I gotta pee my God!!"

They all chuckled but they already went on stage when Dinah peed. She then hid behind Lauren wearing a pink dress, and surprisingly nobody noticed. After they were done, Dinah went running straight to the bathroom, leaving the other four laughing on the floor.

"Poor Dinah, those shoes were cute." Normani said, causing girls to laugh harder.

That night they were all in rooms next to eachother. But there was only space for 3, so 2 of them had to go to a room next to them.

Lauren said: "Well Ally can go with me, we can get to know eachother better. You three can stay there."

Ally was confused but still replied with a smile: "Yeah, me and Lauren can go there. You guys have fun!"

Ally and Lauren took their clothes and went to another room. After brushing their teeth they decided to exchange numbers.
"I hope you enjoy that show" Ally said. Lauren replied : "Well aren't we going together- I mean if you want to..?"
"Ally said: "Oh um sure, I mean we are in a girlgroup right?"


"Lauren, I got a question. Promise you'll be honest."

"Ookay, sure... What is it?"

"Well I wanna know why did you avoid me until I said that I'll give you tickets. I thought we could be close..?"
Lauren then says: "Oh, um I thought you were ignoring me, you are so close with Normani and Dinah so I thought , maybe she doesn't like me?"

"What!? Noo, I always wanted to talk to you, but you're always with Camila and she said that you're her crush so I don't know..." "Oh, come on Ally! She's joking around.. Wait... Did you actually think that was true..."

Ally replied embarrasingly: "I guess... Maybe you guys are ya know, a thing..?
Lauren started chuckling: "Haha noo, we aren't we need more votes so you know hehe."

Ally accidentaly said: "THANK GOD!"
Lauren looked at her: "What? You got a problem? Are you homophobic?!"
Lauren probably thought that since Ally and Mani are christian. But actually...
"Noo, infact I am the opposi- nevermind, I am not homophobic!"

"Ally... Are you.. Something else maybe..?"
Ally stood there leaving Lauren curious.
What will happen next?

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