Chapter 2 - Officially Friends

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Ally's POV:
I am shocked. Oh my God. I should watch my words better, ugh. How could she find out that fast? I thought I was being careful, guess I wasn't. I only know her for a week and she's the only one who knows, not even my bff Hailee knows. I am trapped. What if my patents won't accept me? I am scared. I mean Lauren is probably a good person, I gotta get to meet her more. Should I tell her?

Those were all fast thoughts that ran through her mind. Now she had to reply to her friend.

"Oh no I guess I am not, why do you think that?"
"Well I assumed that, you said you're the exact opposite. Maybe you actually are bi? Don't get scared but I assume you are. I can tell that, don't worry. I am too..."
"Wait what? You're bi? Do the girls know?"
"Yeah, I am but we keep it as a secret from the public for now. You know they're all judgemental soo.. Back to YOU! I support you if you are!"
"Well I..."
"I'm so happy for you Ally!"
"But I didn't say anythi-"
"I know that. Don't worry, I apologize for ignoring you in the beggining."
"I'm also happy for you Lauren, but only you know this so you gotta keep this secret for now. I trust you, ok?
"I promise Allycat. Can I call you Allycat? That suits you so much, you like cats right?"
Ally says, feeling like she threw a rock away from her heart: "Yeah I do and you can! Mila, Dj and Manibear already call me like that. I'll call you hmm.. Lolo! You like that?"
"Yees, that sounds funny!"
"Glad to hear that."
"So do you like boys?"
"Oh, well that was quick Lolo. Yeah I do, I love 'em & girls equally I guess ;)"
Lauren says with a smirk: "Ya sure girl? Hehe 😉"
"Yes Lolo I am sure, now let's talk! Hmm, what's your favorite color?"
"Isn't it obvious? Black of course haha, I guess yours is ... Pink?"
"Yup! I like pretty much everything especially neon. I guess you prefer darker colors?
"Kinda, I only dislike orange, that's such an ugly color."
"I second that, now what's your favorite food?"
"Oh, I'll eat literally anything! Give me a fried monkey tail and I'll eat it."
Ally replied: "Oh my God Lo, that's gross! But you're honest from what I see hehe, I like that."

They chatted almost all night and became friends for life, so different yet so similar. They found out almost everything about themselves and listened to rock/alternative bands including one of their favorites - The Script.

While in the other room Dinah, Normani and Camila had pillow fights like they were 8. But then a fight came out...

"Mani why did you switch 1D?! What Makes You Beautiful was coming right up!!"
"Oh Mila, I wanna listen to some Beyonce now! Don't you agree DJ? Dj? Dinah? Dinah..? DINAAH!"
"You sleeping or what?"
"No, I'm listening to 'Sweet Dreams', can't you see?" Dinah shows Mani her iPod.
"Mila and I are arguing and I wanna blast some Beyonce haha. Wanna listen with us?"
Camila then says "I'm gonna tweet how you guys won't let me listen to 1D. Hopefully nobody finds out who I am."
Normani says: "Oh Mila you'll see after the X Factor when we have Huge fans, they'll find your twitter lol. So before that you Better deactivate, I'm telling you!"
"Okay Mani, let's make a bet, 50$ if in a year from this date, August 3rd 2012, we have 500k followers and they find out I have a 1D fan account!"
"DEAL! Dj come here, make this bet official."
"I'm here!... On this day, August Third of year 2012, Camila and Normani have a bet: 50$ if they reach 500 thousand followers on LYLAS twitter account by August Third of 2013. Now PARTY!"

Camila and Normani shook hands and grabbed popcorn they had on their table.

Meanwhile Ally and Lauren exchanged numbers and made a groupchat: LYLAS forever<3. They were literally next door with Camila, Dinah and Normani but still texted them on their iPhone 4s. After 3 hours of eating while texting they went to sleep.

The next morning they woke up in the flat they had during the x Factor. It was pretty big. Lauren and Normani, as usual, were the early birds. Camila and Dinah usually slept until noon, and Ally would wake up around 10 am. Lauren and Mani made some orange juice and sat down.

"So Mani, do you cook?"
"Well kind of, I can make us cereal if you want."
"Haha well sure thing, I only know how to make coffee and pancakes, guess that's good too."
"Yeah it is!"
"So Ally and I became friends last night"
"Really? Nice to hear that you and my gal are close! She's really nice."
"Yeah I know but there's something- nevermind-"
"What?! Tell me, she's like my sister."
"I can't I-"
"Lauren what's wrong? Will you tell me?'

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