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It's been a year since I finished writing this story and I have decided that it is time to  write a prequel even though it wasn't requested. I just realised that I miss writing about the slightly dysfunctional yet sigh knit Harpers. My writing had (hopefully) improved a lot since I started writing this two years ago and I hope you guys will go through the new book with me. 

So I've uploaded the first chapter of Emma's story.

The spin off is called a Road Trip to Discovery and I would really appreciate it if you guys would go and give it a read. I had so much fun writing this book and being involved with the Harper's that I've decided to bring them back.

Like I mentioned a few characters might not appear etc but hopefully you will still enjoy the book because my writing style has really improved.

The book will also be written in a very different style to this one and I hope that you guys will enjoy that. 

Riley was a part of my life for one and half years and I really loved getting to know her and it was really heartbreaking to have to end her story. However, I am super excited to take a similar journey with her little sister Emma and expand on these characters who actually became my safety net in a way.

Lots of Love


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