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There was something about her. Maybe it's cause her fiery red hair set off her very tan yet freckled face quite well, but it was the eyes that her set off. I could tell she was trying to be nice, but her eyes said it all.

The body language looked as if she was being sweet and sincere of course, but if you look into her eyes, they are like mine. Cold, without feeling. It was almost like I was seeing right through her. How she acted, showing all her imperfections made her even more perfect. She was a rare beauty, and any boy would be ashamed to not notice such a gift.

We sat together at lunch, and we talked for what seemed like hours at a time, it was like talking to an old friend, it was like talking to Celine. But more rouge, with a reckless look in her eyes, but her eyes were dark and full of certain memories that would take a while to learn about. I was willing to know this girl, usually I'm not willing to know anyone.

"Tell me Travis, was there ever someone in your life who has hurt you?" She looked at me, her eyes so cold but full of bright color started to soften. I gulped, I had to bite my lip so hard I felt a bit of blood come out. She wanted to know everything about me, as much as I wanted to know everything about her.

"Never mind, it seems this subject sets you off in a sort of hesitating stage." She smiled slightly, her eyes going back to their cold state.

The bell rang suddenly and she sighed.
"Well my good sir, I suppose we are off to our next class which is..." She looked at me hoping I would know. I looked at the schedule and shivered. Today is Monday, this is my fathers turn to help with Sex Ed, mind you that, everyone here hates this class especially with my father.

"Sex Ed." I groaned, she looked at me a little puzzled. It was as if she didn't understand the hatred I had for my father and also for that class.

"It is a lot to explain, maybe I will explain it to you over studying for the quiz we have next month on Picasso or is it about Van Gough?" I smiled, she nodded and smiled back.


I never realized that Travis knew the teacher for Sex Ed so well, then I realized that was his father. He seemed like an uptight man with a interesting disposition. It was almost like he was mad all the time, never changing. His eyes stayed dark and cold like. It was almost like him and Travis were twins.

I sat all the way in the back, thinking Travis would sit with me so I can focus in this class. But his father grabbed him and sat him all the way in the front, keeping an eye on me in the process. I glared at him.

Someone else sat next to me, a boy. Blue eyed, and pitch black haired. He smiled at me, his eyes were very happy and brightening compared to mine.

"Why hello." He smiled, I smiled back and waved a small gesture.

"Are you not Travis's new buddy?"
"I am an acquaintance, I know very little about Travis and he knows very little about me to be my, how you say "buddy." I smiled and looked straight at the teacher, watching him begin his class.

"Now class, you know how I am about the seating arrangements that I have here. We have grade A's in the front. And of course the Failures in the back." He said sternly, I realized he looked straight at me. I smiled and gave him the bird. Everyone was quiet.

He smiled and continued the speech.
"Now as most of us remember who were here from freshman to now senior year. We all remember that punishment in St. Clementines is allowed." He said and pulled out a long ruler. I stared at it sternly. There was no way this was happening.

"Now Travis, would you like to show the freshman's what happens if you don't pay attention, or disobey me as teacher?" He smiled an evil like smile. Travis walked slowly towards one of the sinks in the class room and wiped his face off with water, also wiping off his knuckles and his neck. He patted his face dry with a towel. We all stared in horror at the marks all over his face.

"Travis, is a reminder that bad behavior and disrespect will not be tolerated here. Now Ms. Pain, since this is your first day I will give you the benefit of the doubt. But please remember, if you don't want to have your pretty face bruised. I suggest you watch yourself." He said sternly, we locked eyes with each other.


Class ended with just rules since this was the first day. I grabbed Travis's hand and led him to the infirmary. I sat him there in a small stool since it was open hours and for some reason no one was there, so I took matters into my own hands.

"I know punishment is allowed here, but I remember it being only on the knuckles! Not on your face!" I shouted. He looked at me, his eyes not changing their emotionless state.

I grabbed all types of healing creams to heal some of the scars. I put vaccine on some of the scars close to his brows.
"Stop it. I'm alright." He said pulling my hands away from his face.

"No you're not! Why would you say something like that!" I shouted. He grabbed my hand and just held it. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours.

"I'm going to be fine, I use to this treatment. Please do not worry about me, I will pick you up later tonight for studying." He smiled softly and hugged me. It sent a weird feeling towards me. I nodded and let him go.

He left me there dumbfound...

And possibly love sick...

authors notes:
Sorry this took me forever to finish! I had some serious writers block on this 3rd chapter.
Might I warn you that the 3 chapters I have so far do have some grammatical errors that I am fixing at the moment.
But do comment and vote on what you think about the book so far, thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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