!1. You Didn't See That Coming!

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A/N- This chapter is currently undergoing editing. Please don't be a silent reader.

The first time you were let out in the field (kind of) he ended up ruining the whole operation, so you were never let out again.

However, you weren't an avenger yet so you kind of crept out of the Barton farmhouse into the woods to see what all the fuss was about.
From behind a tree about a mile off from where Clint was shooting arrows, you hid.

Overhead, you heard your dad soar about in his Iron man suit and scowled, then a breath of wind shot in your direction covering your face with hair. You were awfully confused as it was near the dead of night and you saw nothing else around. Odd? Suddenly, there it was again. But this time there was something with it. Behind you, you could just make out a streak of blue headed for Clint.
Next, you heard of him, but did not see him.

Again, you were not an avenger so you just had to snoop around and listen to the conversation about the Maximoff twins, behind closed doors.
"Field reports, Bruce. The Girl?"
"Yes, give me a moment. Ah. I believe she has some sort of telekentic power, mind control and when angry can shoot plasma bolts out of her hand. "
You could just make out Steve's and Bruce's voices, discussing the other person whom you did not meet, to the rest of the group.
This time Clint spoke," The man, he has some sort of speed power."
"Increased metabolism, he can move at intense speed which makes him look like he's teleporting ," Bruce reads from his field report.
"But he's not?"
"Yes, good observation Stark!" You rolled your eyes at Steve's and Tony's typical banter. Childlike their behaviour was.
Bruce continued, " Experimented on by HYDRA, then took in by Ultron, they go by the names of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, twins, born in Sovakia."
"So we're dealing with evil Russian twins, taken over by Ultron." Stark 's comment was met by silence. "Should be easy enough."
By then, you had decided to stop listening an you swore to yourself you would never eavesdrop again.
The third time, you met both of them was in person, only to find out that they were now avengers.
Yet, like many things in your life you wished you never met them.
Y/N entered the lift which took her up her to the tower where she and the avengers lived, juggling milk along with other stuff she bought from the store.

What shocked her though ,when the lift arrived to her floor, was not the many poptarts she had bought for Thor, but what made her drop them.

As when the lift opened, all the avengers were stood there, as if they were expecting her arrival, which they were.

"Lady Y/N, you bought my poptarts which I requested."
"Yes, Thor all you favourite fillings. Would someone please tell me why you are all worshipping the lift?"

Well, no-one really had to tell you as your comment made somebody giggle. Giggle? Natasha laughs, since when did she giggle...Unless, it was not her that did.

"Worship, good one little Stark." A Russian masculine voice called from the midst of the crowd.

"Little? I'll have you know I'm turning 18 next week."

The man looked to be about 22 and the twin which obviously was the one that giggled stood next to him decked out in red.

You suddenly became very aware of your father's eyes on you and coughed self consciously, then asked their names, as you were not suppose to know.

'Do you really need to ask, Stark!' You screamed aware of the sudden voice in your head and dropped the rest of your purchases. Some quizzical looks were thrown in your direction.

"What I was meant to have said was ' Ahh, great names?'" It came out as a question marks than a statement and no-one really believed you but didn't say anything.

You didn't want to spend another second in there so made an excuse to go to the kitchen to put stuff in the refrigerator.
You sighed and leant against the door. 'Phew, close one Y/N, good job, what if they found...'
"Hey!" Pietro greeted.
"Ahh." You jumped.
"Ahh." He imitates you.
"Shh, you'll get us caught," you scolded the Sovakian.
"May I point out that this you screamed first."
"Whatever, what do you want?"
"I saw you in the forest."
"That was you, wasn't it?"
"Just don't tell anyone please, I wasn't suppose to be there."
"Ok, it will be our secret, little Stark." And with that he sped round the counter and out of the room, leaving you behind alone with just his blue trail to accompany you.
Well...you didn't see that coming...or what followed.

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