Chapter 2

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"BITCH!" Jessie yelled and scared me awake.

"Jesus" I screamed

"Oh good your up" she said

"How the hell did you get in here" I say

"Ur front door" she smiled

"Hey you got her up!" Court came into my room with water for me

"I hate both of you" I say as I take a sip of water

"Stop it you love us, now get up I have your curler ready and Jessie is ready to do your makeup" Court says

"Um I'm capable of doing my own make up and hair thank you" I reply

"Stfu and get up" Jessie says

"Fine, bossy" I say getting up and sitting on the stool in front of my mirror

I scrolled through my twitter as Jessie got to work on my hair. I looked up every now and then to see her curling my bleach blonde hair and then brushing it out with her fingers causing the curls to come loose and fall all around my back. Court came in front of me with brushes and different kinds of make up.

"No" I say. I'm not very big on makeup, my skin is clear so I don't bother with it, I do wear mascara and eye liner, occasionally lipstick.

"Ugh fine I won't do foundation on you but can I at least contour and hilight" She asked

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes as she sat in front of me

When she was finally done I sat there and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked stunning, I couldn't believe I actually looked pretty.

"Thank you both so much" I say hugging them as I stand up to get my shoes on. Of course being a country concert I grabbed my cowboy boots.

"Let's get going" I say

"Is someone excited to look for Justin" Court said

"No I'm excited to see my man" I reply

"Oh he's your man now, damn baby girl slow down he doesn't even really know you yet" Jessie says

"Im getting in the car" I laugh rolling my eyes


We finally made it to the concert and it was packed already with people left and right. I got out of the car and grabbed the envelope with the tickets out of my bag and handed the girls their tickets.

"I'm so hype to find some hot country men" Ali says

"Allison don't make me regret getting you a ticket" I respond

"Rude" She says and I laugh

"Hey your not the one that had to drive her" Courtney says

"You drove all of us" I look at her confused

"Shut up" she says

we stood in line waiting to get our tickets checked and then our bags searched. After I get in I turn around to wait for the girls.

"Alright lets go bitches" I say and turn around running into someone

"Sorry pretty girl" He says and Winks

I think my heart skipped a beat. This stranger had dark brown hair and piercing Blue eyes. I smiled but he was already gone. There were so many people here I doubt I will see him again

"He was cute" Court smirked

"Honestly I'm not even going to try to disagree" I say

"Come on guys I want a shirt" Ashley says

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