Chapter 7

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I woke up this morning to a pounding headache. I barley get sleep and Sam barley feeds me anything to eat. I can't believe Justin was involved in this, I thought he was everything I wanted. I heard footsteps and the door opened 

"Good morning gorgeous" Sam says 

"Fuck off" I say turning around 

"I'll gladly fuck you" He says coming over to me 

"Leave me alone" I say hitting and screaming 

"You already lost your virginity this should be no problem for you" he says taking my hands and handcuffing them to the bed. I start screaming and crying as he rips all my clothes off and then shoves my shirt into my mouth. He undresses himself and comes towards me and I scream hard. 

"Scream all you want little girl, no ones ever gonna find you" he says 


The next day the pain is horrible. I thought that since I wasn't a virgin anymore it wouldn't hurt at all, but the way he handled me last night left me excruciating today. I cried the whole time, I screamed too even though no one could hear me. I can't believe I was raped. I have scratches all over me and cuts in my wrists from straining against the handcuffs. I never thought that I would be one of those girls in the movies who get kidnapped. I don't know what day it is, what time it is or anything else. I think I've been gone for 6 days but I'm not really sure at this point. Each day gets worse and worse. I beg Sam not to touch me but I have no power over him, not in this state. Iv'e started to come to terms with the fact that this is how I'm going to die, being Sams captive and him never being brought to justice. I sill try and convince myself that Justin had nothing to do with this but in my heart I know he did, how else would there have been a camera in that bear he got me for our two month anniversary. I hear the door unlock and I roll my eyes, here we go again 

"Good afternoon baby" He says but I don't even look at him 

"I said good afternoon you piece of shit" He snarls 

"I know I heard you" I reply still looking out the window 

"Stop trying to hold on to some type of hope, no one's coming for you, ur mine now" he says 

"Leave me alone" I say 

"Never" He replies taking advantage of me again 


Kevins POV

"Mom what's wrong with grandma?" I ask 

"Kevin she's really sick, Were going to have to move in with her so that we can take care of her properly, she doesn't want to go to a nursing home" She replies 

"What about Cass" I ask

"Were trying everything we can" She answers 

"Can't the police just make Justin tell them where Sam took her?" I ask

"They're trying honey, he wanted to hurt her thats why they don't want her to be found" She answers with tears in her eyes 

"Mom?" I ask in a whisper 

"Yeah baby?" She replies 

"Will we ever see her again?" I ask 

"I know we will" she says full on crying now. 

The house hasn't been the same since. The girls and their boyfriends come over but everyone just sits at the table and stares at each other. No one knows what to say or do, theres really nothing we can do. Were suppose to leave it up to the cops but they haven't done anything that has helped us. It's been six months since Cass was taken, six long, hard, crucial, months.  I pray to god every night that he keeps her safe, who knows if she's even alive anymore, Sam coulda killed her day one. I never really liked Sam, I remember when he first came over and introduced himself, he always seemed off about something. That shoulda been my first warning sign right there. I feel like I should of protected her, been the bigger brother even though I'm younger than her. Kaycie is taking it extremely hard. The night mom and dad sat us down and told us she was missing Kaycie locked herself in her room and hasn't come out since. She barley eats, she doesn't go to school and she's been skipping dance class. 

"kids could you come here" Dad calls from the kitchen and we make our to the living room 

"Whats up" I say sitting down on the couch 

"Now Kevin I know mom told you this earlier but we wanted to tell Kaycie too" he says looking at her 

"What" she replies voice raspy from crying all the time 

"We have to move to Tennessee to be with grandma, she's really sick and she needs to be taken care of" he says 

"Are you mad!" She screams and instantly starts crying 

"My big sister is fucking missing, Missing for god sakes, she's probably hurt, alone and scared out of her mind. Do any of you even fucking care" she yells 

"Of course we care honey, we call the cops every day but they just tell us they will let us know when they get more information" Dad says while moms crying 

"Going to live with grandma will give Cass a better life when she comes back" Dad says 

"Fine, I'll go but I refuse to until Cassidee is back" she says then gets up and leaves 

"So what's the plan" I say looking at mom and dad 

"You and I will go down and be with grandma and well set the house up for everyone and then when they find her they will come down" Dad says 

"What about this house?" I ask 

"We already have a family that wants to buy it and we told them our situation. They gave us the money for the house and as soon as Cass gets back you guys are gonna come down" he says 

"What happens if she doesn't want to come?" I ask 

"She will, I'm sure she won't want to stay here knowing that both boys here caused her so much pain" he says 

"Will they be put in jail for life?" I ask 

"Yes" Mom says 

"Justin's already in jail, it's just a matter of finding Sam and Cassidee" Dad adds 

"So when are we leaving" I ask 

"In 2 weeks" He replies 

"Ok" I say getting up and going to my room 

I look at the clock and see that its 12:30am. I wonder if Cass knows what time of day it is. I pray for her telling god to please keep her safe, before jumping into bed and shutting my eyes. Images of Cass and I when we were little run through my mind and a smile comes to my face. I love you Cass I breathe out as I drift off to sleep. 

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