Chapter 4

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It's been 3 days since I've talked to Justin. I haven't heard anything from him or his friends, and I was starting to get worried. I got outta bed and grabbed some fresh clothes and walked towards my bathroom. I turned on the hot shower and stripped from my pajamas and hopped in, the warm water cascading down my body and taking all my troubles away. At least that's what I was hoping. I rinsed my hair with my vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. I love the smell of vanilla, especially when it's fall. Fall my is favorite time of year. I hoped outta the shower and dried off before putting my clothes on. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone and saw that I had a text from Justin

J: Can we talk?

C: sure when do u wanna meet up?

J: Now?

C: Sure, where?

J: Starbucks?

C: See you there

I hope in my car and make my way towards Starbucks. I'm extremely nervous, Justin could say anything, he could want something, he could break up with me.. Oh god what if he breaks up with me. All these thoughts were running through my head that I almost passed the entrance to Starbucks. I pulled in and pulled into a parking spot before shutting my car off and grabbing my purse to walk inside. I order my usual, Carmel mocha and then sit down and wait for Justin to get here. I sit in a booth that's facing the door so I can see when he walks in. 5 minutes pass and just as I'm about to text him and ask him where he is he walks in, sees me, and walks right over to me.

"Hey" he says

"Hey" I reply

"Listen, I'm sorry about everything. I shouldn't of flipped out on you I just lost it" he speaks so fast I just barely hear him. 

"Calm down" I say 

"Don't tell me to calm down, I feel awful, I felt like my father and I never wanna be like my father" he says grabbing my hand 

"What do you mean you felt like your father?" I ask 

"When I yelled at you, it made me think of my father because he is always yelling at my mother" he says 

"I'm sorry" I say 

"I know you are, but baby I'm sorry for yelling at you" He says 

"It's ok, lets just put it all behind us ok?" I ask 

"Yes please" he says 

After we cleared everything up we walked around town for a little while just talking about random shit. It was nice to finally have my boyfriend back, I didn't like that side of him one bit and I hope he doesn't get back into that state ever again. 

"You wanna see what the gang is doing?" he asks 

I check my phone and see that it's 6pm. On school nights even though I'm 17 my mother still finds ways to piss me off by giving me a curfew. On school nights I am expected to be home no later than 10 and on non school nights it's no later than 12. I honestly can't wait to go to college so I can get away from my parents. I love them, I do but sometimes they can get so annoying and I honestly want nothing to do with them. 

"Sure" I say taking out my phone to text Courtney 


It's 9 now and were all out at the local bowling place down the road from my house. I called my mom and told her we were all coming down here and she agreed to let me stay here till 10:30. 

"Dude you suck at this" I laugh at Tommy as he again throws the ball right into the gutter 

"Shut up" he says going over to Courtney and putting his arm around her shoulder. Court and Tommy have been getting along a lot lately and I'm waiting for the day that they finally announce there dating. They act like their dating all the time and I'm sure they've already kissed once or twice. As for Jessica and Jake are together. Last night after the cops showed up they went back to his house and hung out together. Moral of the story there dating now.  

"I should get going" I say standing up 

"But I thought your mom was giving you till 10:30" Courtney says 

"She was, but I'm just really tired" I say getting my jacket and going to turn my bowling shoes into the women at the counter 

"I'll bring her home and be right back" He says 

We walk out of the building and down to Justin's car. I really wanted to stay with the group but I'm just  so tired because I didn't get any sleep with what happened last night, I was up all night thinking of Justin.  

"You ok baby?" Justin asks as he drives down the road towards my house 

"Just tired" I reply 

"Do you feel ok?" He asks 

"Yes Justin stop asking me" I say 

"Damn baby no need to get crazy" he says pulling into my driveway 

"I'm not crazy, you keep asking me the same damn question" I say getting out of the car 

"Do I get a kiss?" Justin asks getting outta the car 

"Hell no" I say laughing walking away but I feel his arms wrap around my waist 

"I don't think so" he says with a smirk on his face as he kisses me. I love his kisses, I melt every time his lips come on mine. He always has that same minty fresh taste from his toothpaste 

"I'm gonna go to bed" I say pulling away from him 

"Feel better, love ya" he says getting back in his car 

"Love ya too" I say 

I walk into my house and say hi to my parents before walking up the stairs to my room. I just feel run down and exhausted. I think I'm gonna get my period soon because I was snappy with Justin and usually when it's my time of the month I feel run down. I climbed in bed and thought about Justin saying love ya. First off calm down, I know what your thinking, How could you love someone when you've only been dating for not even a week. We don't love each other, at least not yet. My idea of loving someone is when you wanna spend every waking minute with them, and you can't get enough of them. Him saying love ya to me means that he cares about me, at least thats what I get out of it. I think in time I will love Justin. Justin's the best friend and boyfriend anyone could ask for. If it weren't for him I don't think I ever woulda been able to get over Sam. Sam still scares me to this day. He's always trying to talk to me and still trying to get in my pants and he gets pissed off when I won't answer him. I'm worried that one day he will try something on me but I don't think it will be any time soon because of Justin, at least I hope not. With that I drift off the sleep with thoughts of Sam. 

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