Opening Scene

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Hello guys, this is my short story on a young girl who finds herself in an odd situation. I hope you like it. :)


I lean forward in the passenger's seat in pain. It was excruciating. I arch my back as yet another wave of inexplicable pain hit me. I grab onto the dashboard, trying to somehow stabilize myself and get a grip. I was terribly sweaty and my hair stuck to my forehead and the name of my neck.

My horrible stepfather next to me in the driver's seat kept yelling at me. His words were mostly blurred out as sudden bursts of pain overtook my senses. I grab my aching head and slightly tug at my hair. It hurts so much.

"Why are you so useless?!" He yells at me. His angry eyes exchanging between the road and me, as he drove recklessly in the traffic congested streets.

The loud sounds of traffic worsened my condition, as the horns blared in my ears. I whimper, as all the combined stress messed with my head. The pain in my back just grows mercilessly. My muscles were on fire and my skin crawled with hot pain.

"What are you doing, you little freak?!" He steers the car roughly, jerking the car to and fro. My breathing quickens and soon I'm hyperventilating. I jerk forward again when my back bones begin to crack. My hands find the dashboard again and I scratch at the old leather.

I turn to look opposite ways of my step father and out the window. The night sky of the city looked welcoming. I wanted to black out. I wanted this pain to end.

I scream through my teeth as the pain only worsens. He stomps on the break and turns to me. My body jerks forward from the sudden stop. The cars behind us honk in anger at us, but my stepfather was angrier.

I could see him yelling in the blurry edge of my peripheral vision, but I couldn't hear him. The pain was stronger. I scream even louder, lurching forward in pain as I felt my back ripping. I squeeze my eyes shut, as I feel the pain in every nerve.

"What the fuck?!" He yells, as something sprouts from my back and spans. The passenger door flies off from the impact of the span and I fall out of the car. I land on my side, onto something soft and feathery. I kept my eyes shut.

The pain slowly subsided, leaving a welcomed dull ache. My breaths calmed down and I stopped shaking. 

By now people had gathered to see what was going on. A crowd circles around me.

Slowly, I open my eyes. Something underneath me was cushioning my side. My palm runs against the soft cushion. I gasp once I lay my eyes on it, as does the crowd around me.

Wings, dark brown wings were on my back.

I sit up, placing my hands against the cement of the floor and off of the beautiful wings. I stare at my hands with wide eyes. The nails of my hands began to elongate, sharpen, and darken into talons.

What the hell is going on?

The crowd had long since brought out their phones, recording or taking pictures of me. I observe my sharp nails, amazed by their sudden appearance. I could hear everyone's whispers loud and clearly.

"What is she?"

"Are those wings?"

"Should we call the police?"

My eyesight sharpens and I scan the unfamiliar faces in the crowd. I look back at my hands.

What is happening to me?

"What the fuck?!" My step father repeats. I turn my eyes to him and immediately feel disgusted. I curl my fingers up before cutting the seat belt that was wrapped around my ankle and expand the surprisingly light wings.

The crowd gasps and I take a moment to look at their beauty.

They felt so natural.

The wings lifted me off the ground and shot me straight into welcoming the night sky. Before I knew it I was flying... away from the observers & their cellphones, away from my shitty stepfather, away from my shit life, and away from here.

I have no idea what was happening, but I was more than happy to fly away.

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