chapter 3

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"I mean, I understand what Hazel is saying, Pen." Audrey began as she pulled books out of her locker and slipped them into her huge brown leather purse.

"You want your life ruined at a dumb party?" Penelope fought.

Daisy chuckled, "over dramatic much?" she thought.

"Well, no, but it's a party! Those bets seem fun! Where is your sense of adventure, Pen?" Audrey giggled.

Daisy immediately stopped laughing, "Bets? What bets?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Supposedly, there are a series of bets that take place at this party." June explained while tapping on her phone, obviously not buying it.

"So how are little bets 'adventurous'?" Daisy asked, even more confused than before.

"No, Daisy, these bets are crazy." Audrey smirked, "There's like a ton of rumors of what like they've had to do. My favorite one, though, is the one where they like had a group of popular guys and girls and made them change their names and become like transfer students and they all fought to be the most popular of their gender. I heard there's these challenges that they have to do like each week, and if you're the loser for that week you get like eliminated from the contest and face a punishment. The farther in the competition, the worst the punishments get. I heard one was so bad, this one boy was so embarrassed to like show his face he moved to another country!"

All the girls stopped what they were doing and stared.

As you can see, Audrey is the drama queen of the group.

"Um, Aud, you know this is high school and not a TV show right?" Daisy snickered.

They all couldn't help but laugh. Really, he was so embarrassed to show his face he moved to another country. This isn't Glee, sweetie.

"Sounds like something somebody makes up so you'd go to their party." June spat.

Audrey rolled her eyes, "Well I believe it."

"Well, who cares if it's true or not. We aren't going." Pen cut in, obviously sick of the conversation.

Audrey glared at her- Penelope disrespected the queen.

The warning bell for 1st period rang.

"Come on, let's go." June said to the girls, pulling Audrey away- preventing a cat fight.

As the girls scurried along to their classes, Dane trudged to the front of the school, taking one last drag from his cigarette. He removed the cig from his mouth and crushed it onto the frame of the door, the dropped it to the ground. He strode into school as the final bell rang.

"Huh, I'm early." He chuckled, as he watched tons and of scared freshman scatter to their classrooms.

Dane wandered around, taking his own sweet time. Since he had extra time he stopped at his locker, which contained one folder.

"What the hell?" He asked, pulling out a small enevlope that read "Dane" in fancy writing.

"Gay." He scoffed. He shoved it in his worn out green jacket and walked to class.

He finally came across his first period room and barged right in, slamming it into the wall and slamming closed.

Always gotta make a scene this one.

"Good Morning, Mr. Reed, you're late." Mr. Rothess groaned as he stared Dane down.

"Yeah, get used to it." He chuckled, flopping down in his seat next June.

The teacher began droaning on about the summer reading, which obviously Dane didn't do. He pulled out the envelope from his pocket. The letter was long and droaned on about how he "had the priviledge to be invited to the party of all parties".

"Must be for that dumb party the pussies in the locker room where talking about yesterday." He thought.

Just before he smushed the paper into a ball and threw it across the room, the boy behind him quielty gasped.

Dane whipped around to see Isaac staring at Dane's invitation in complete disgust.

"How the hell did you get invited." Isaac said, completely disgusted.

Dane stared at Isaac, looking him up and down. The only way people got invited to these parties was being popular, and Isaac owned the crown of that. Isaac is like that girl, starving for popularity. He's quick on the trends, smart as can be, and one snobby ass bitch. Even though it's early, usually not Dane's best time of day, he decided to have fun.

"I don't know. But, hey! Us popular guys gotta stay together, right, bud?"Dane laughed.

"We are not buds." Isaac gritted through his teeth. He looked as if he could jump from his desk and tackle Dane, but sadly, that'd break a nail.

"Guys! Enough." The teacher announced, making Isaac calm down.

Aww, Ruthless has to go and take away my fun, doesn't he? Well, it's okay. Pretty sure Dane will take care of him later.

Well, look at that, our story is barely starting and there's already drama!

Don't you just love it?

But trust me kiddies, it isn't the last, only the beginning but you already knew that, right?

bye babes

♥nerd crusher

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