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The long-awaited vendetta and gaining some...I really don't know what they are.

They're not in the woods

" Why am I here again?"

"Because the Finnish government requested your assistance, Miss Hunt." Because I'm an idiot.

Ashlynn Hunt snorted, "yeah," she said making air quotes, " 'requested.' Keep telling yourself that. "

Ash Hunt was on an aeroplane heading to Great Britain, Scotland, only because she refused to set foot on English soil. She continued stroking the surface of the tablet in her hand with the black round-tip pen as an image came to life in the laptop facing her.

Ash was "painting" if you can actually call it that. Lines swirled under the pen's precise movements and colours bloomed in its tracks. Two women appeared on the screen, facing each other with only a thin near-invisible silver veil between them. They could be mistaken as twins, except that one had blue eyes...and the other's were purple. If by now you haven't guessed who they are, reread chapter 2, doofus. My story is hella important.

The blue-eyed girl had her long almost-white hair straightened and it formed a somewhat halo of hair around her. Her blue eyes shone dangerously, her features sharp and blank, and the black pants and top that she wore showed a great deal of faded thin scars. Yet the girl gave out an unnerving vibe because her face... it showed no emotion. The purple-eyed one had features extremely similar to the other girl, but her whitish hair was fixed into large waves. She bore too red leather pants and a black top; her unusually coloured eyes glinted wickedly, with a hunger that was yet to be satisfied.

Both girls were sideways, showing their left or right profile, with a tentative hand before the silver veil between them and a dark cloud behind them. Basically, they looked badass...like me! Oh, sweet irony!

Ash disconnected her laptop but her mind kept turning over her painting's hidden meaning. She had yet to finish it, and when she did, she would send it over to an art gallery in Norway, along with several other pieces. She tucked the laptop and the tablet into her bag as they left the plane. She walked through the large airport's docking garages until she found the black jet she was supposed to look for.

Ash boarded the black jet and found approximately twenty men, with ages between twenty and thirty-five by the looks of it, changing into heavy military gear. And the girlies? This seems quite anti-feminist!

Ash dropped her bag at the seat farthest to the men and accepted the guard she was assigned to on the previous flight's duffel bag before she bid him away. Piss off dude, you were annoying as hell. The blonde paraded among the men, from whom she received some stares which made her kinda uncomfortable. She locked herself in the bathroom, thankful that there was an actual shower in the bathroom.

Because, oh wow! The government invests in super cool jets with the people's money and lets them starve.

Ash took a shower before slipping into a tight turtleneck black crop top and matching bulletproof spandex pants. She tugged on her fingerless gloves and tied tightly her heeled kevlar-reinforced black boots.

Ash then strapped on several weapons, many of which were guns, knives, a cord and her trusty multi-functional baton which could easily turn into her hoverboard if she needed a quick escape. She made sure to secure her many gadgets and put spare ones in the lightweight pack hooked to the back of her top.

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