Chapter Five: Tears of an Angel

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As the night falls Aria, Dominic and the gang head off to the party onsite to celebrate the wins today on the races.  Everyone grabs a drink at the bar then Dominic makes an announcement to the group. "I wanted to say that today I have witnessed some serious racing, to think this woman here beat me, when no one has ever beaten me before, so well done Aria". "Yeah I am actually glad you beat Dom Aria. I still have yet to win a race where Dom stops letting me win" Brian says while glaring at Dominic. Aria laughs. "Thanks guys, it is not your fault you are a sore loser Dom" Aria smirks.  There was laughter and ohhhhhh from the group.  Dominic is standing with a big grin on his face.  Then music erupts and everyone gathers for a rave.

After a while Aria walks off to get a drink, little did she know Dominic was watching her.  Then he sees a couple of guys harassing her, so he walks over to Aria to help her. "Leave me the hell alone you scumbag!" Aria shouts towards the man that was touching her up. "Oh come on baby why are you being such a tease" the man answers back.  "The lady said leave her alone, now scram" Dominic stated to the man.  "Or what?" the man gets up into Dominic face.  Dominic punches him in the stomach. "This is what" Dominic responds. The men walk off.  "Hey you didn't have to do that" Aria says.  "Now I couldn't let them hurt my favourite girl" Dom says. Aria blushes.

"What do you say we take a drive Aria?" Dom asks.  "Yes that would be lovely".  They get into Dom's black Dodge Charger and take a drive into the starry night. Then Dominic stops at the place where Letty was killed and gets out of the car.  This leads Aria to confusion as to why they have stopped in the middle of nowhere.  Aria gets out of the car and walks over to Dominic. "Hey Dom, are you alright?" Aria asks.  Dominic sighs sadly, "this is where my girlfriend Letty was killed". "Oh I am so sorry to hear this Dom" Aria says while touching his hand gently.  Dom stares into Aria's eyes.

"You remind me so much of her, the way you do not have a care in the world, you know a lot about cars and you are some serious racer".  Aria stares back into Dom's eyes, this leads Dominic to lean in and kiss Aria passionately on the lips.  Sparks fly between the two leading their feelings for each other to grow.  Then Aria gets a phone call from her Dad.

"Hello Dad" Aria answers. "Help me...Aria" her Dad says out of breath. "Dad...Dad!" Aria shouts down the phone.  Then the phone connection drops out. "I need to get back to my car Dom". Aria and Dominic get into the car and drive off so fast that they reach the racing track in 10 minutes.  Aria quickly jumps out the car and runs towards her car and drives off without saying goodbye.  Dominic quickly runs over to Brian, "Brian I need your help I think Aria's Dad is in trouble". "Where is she?" Brian asks Dominic. "She drove off so quickly without saying a word. I need to catch up to her". "Ok lets go" Brian says.  Dominic quickly gets into his car while Brian briefly tells Mia what is going on and then gets into his car and follows Dominic.

Aria reaches her Dad's house and quickly runs inside to see that her Dad is lying unconscious on the floor. "Dad...Dad you need to wake up" while tears are running down her face.  Then a hand touches her shoulder gently, this gives Aria a scare. "Aria we need to get your Dad to the hospital, we will take my car as we will get there faster" Dominic says softly. "How did you find me?" Aria sobs. "I followed you as I sensed you was in trouble". Aria embraces him in a big hug while whispering into his ear "thank you".  Brian helps Dominic to get Aria's Dad into the car and then they drive off to the hospital.  Upon arriving Aria runs to the front desk asking for help.  Brian and Dominic are helping to get Aria's Dad out of the car.  A doctor and three nurses appear with a trolley.  They all rush inside while the nurse calls out "family only".  "I will wait outside for you Aria" Dominic calls out.

5 hours later, a nurse tells Dominic and Brian they can go into the room.  Aria is fast asleep on the chair beside her Dad.  Dominic gently nudges Aria.  Aria slowly lifts her eyelids to see Dominic standing there.  "What is the news?" Dominic asks softly.  "I don't know, the doctor hasn't told me anything yet" Aria replies.  10 minutes later a doctor appears.  The doctor proceeds to give Aria an update on her Dad. "As you know your Dad has end-stage kidney failure, however it has progressively got worse and the treatment is no longer working".  Aria feels the tears roll down her cheeks.  "How long has he got?" Aria says fearfully. "I would say your Dad has a week maximum" the doctor replies. Aria falls to the ground and bursts into tears.  Dominic feels utter sadness knowing how Aria is feeling, he crouches down next to Aria and holds her in his arms while she sobs.  Then Aria hears her Dad calling for her.  "Hi Dad" Aria says with sadness.  "Now Angel don't be sad" while wiping the tear off her face.  This causes Aria to cry even more.  "Daddy you can't leave me". "Darling I love you so much, we will make the last week a happy memory" Aria's Dad says.  "This week will be a memory I will cherish forever Dad, we will see the sunsets and racing once more" Aria tells her Dad. "Now that is more like it Aria, now tell me who are these strapping two fellas you have brought with you?" Aria's Dad asks.

"Oh how rude of me Dad, this is Brian and Dominic.  I met them both at the street race you told me to go to".  "Nice to meet you both" Aria's Dad says while shaking their hands.  "Guess what Dad I beat Dominic in a race" Aria says happily.  "I knew you would win, after all you are a Wilson and you certainly have my racing genes" Aria's Dad smiles.  This leads Aria to forget for a second that her Dad is dying and enjoying the moments of her Dad lighting up with life, when she told him she won a race and getting to know the man she is falling for.

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